New Name

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Nagar asked the Elders Council to meet. "It's time to have Fenti-Dumu's naming. Wilki's baby has come, we have a good store of food, and we have our Thinking Circle in place. I want to talk about how we will do the Naming. We are from different bodes with different Naming ceremonies and should agree on what we want to do."

Piram said, "Fenti-Dumu is from Flat Rocks. We should do what we have always done."

Tars said, "I want to hear how others do Naming. Our Namings sometimes harmed the child. We are so few. I don't want to do anything that might risk hurting Fenti-Dumu."

"But he has to prove himself. If he's weak, he's no good to us," said Piram.

"I think we should give him a good name and make a path for him to follow to become strong and able to take care of himself and others," said Tars. "I would have him hunt with you, Piram. Now that it seems the big cats are back, he should learn how to understand their movements. No one knows that better than you, Piram. You have much you can teach him."

"For Fenti-Dumu's Naming let's make songs to say the things we're talking about and tell the stories of Flat Rocks especially after the Always Cloud came. Esri already has some. We need a good way to remember these things," said Zura.

"And what about his name?" said Saba.

Nagar said, "Well, I had a dream about Fenti-Dumu. He was singing to Wilki-Dumu. They were sitting in the Thinking Circle and there were yellow birds sitting around them on the stones. It came to me that Grilu would be a good name for him. It's the sound of the yellow bird and like the yellow bird, I think that Fenti-Dumu will be a singer and a hunter."

They all agreed that it was a good name and decided that the Naming would happen in a few days on the night of the next half Moon-Woman. The Elders decided what each of their stories or songs would say to Fenti-Dumu. Nagar asked Tars to be last and give Fenti-Dumu his name. She wanted the Naming to be powerful and knew she no longer had the strength. There would also be singing and dancing from the others in the bode that would last throughout the night.

Fenti-Dumu was thrilled that his Naming was finally happening and could hardly contain himself. Riga and Saba worked on a new cape for him made from eland skin. Esri composed a song about Fenti-Dumu. Kai and Dagan sought out some hollow logs for drumming dance rhythms. Everyone worked at something, gathering wood for a big bodefire inside the Thinking Circle and preparing food. Each day they watched Zura move the Moon-Woman cycle stones in the Thinking Circle, marking the days until the half-moon. Finally the day came and as evening fell the bode gathered in the Thinking Circle. Kai began a slow, soft cadence on a log.

Nat was missing. Barsa walked to Turtle Rock to find him. Nat was lying on top of Dara's grave. He was silent, but shaking, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Come, Nat. We're starting the Naming. People want you to come. There's nothing you can do for Dara. She's in a good place here." Barsa sat and placed his hands on Nat.

Nat took a deep breath and sat up, clasping his arms on Barsa's, "You've always been good to me, Barsa. I've been lost in my grief for so long. I came to tell Dara that I want to stay at Flat Rocks. Sit with me for a while and then we'll go down to the Naming."

Esri started singing and many others soon joined her. Some drummed on logs. Others stood swaying and shuffling around the fire. Fenti-Dumu sat proudly on a rock near the fire with the Elders on either side. Esri tried to focus on Fenti-Dumu and the Naming but couldn't help glancing up the path leading to Turtle Rock where Barsa had gone.

Nagar signaled that they should begin the Elders' words and songs for Fenti-Dumu. She spoke first and in a sing-song voice, talked about Fenti-Dumu's mother, how Fenti had kept Fenti-Dumu far back in the cave to stay away from the Ash Rain, and when she was dying, asked Nagar and Saba to look after him. Nagar sang/spoke about the hard and terrible times of the Ash Rain and the joy that Fenti-Dumu brought them in the sad times. He kept them from giving up.

She spoke of Fenti-Dumu's important duty to the bode, which was to remind those coming after him of what happened when the Ash Rain came and what they did to survive. People must understand that the world around them may change, and the old ways may not keep working. She finished with, "Remember what is said at your Naming today and carry it with you always. My End Days will come before you are a man but know my spirit will be with you even after I am buried at Turtle Rock."

Everyone was quiet. Esri looked up and saw that Nat and Barsa were standing just outside the Thinking Circle. They waited until Nagar finished before joining the group. Nagar nodded to Esri who began singing.

Through the night, the Elders took turns sharing stories, with singing and dancing in between. Piram spoke about teaching Fenti-Dumu to hunt and learning the ways of the big cat. Saba sang about looking after babies and children to keep them safe and guide them on a path to become good Elders.

Barsa had stories about when he was a young man, how he enjoyed visiting many bodes, trading with them, and learning their ways. The stories talked about strangers meeting and building trust and no one was harmed. He also told stories of others who used force and that this would not be the way of Flat Rocks. Barsa spoke about showing peace without showing weakness, but cautioned that building respect and trust with people who enslave and deal cruelly with others can be difficult.

Zura spoke to Fenti-Dumu about watching and listening to the rhythms of the world: the Travelers, Sun-Man, Moon-Woman, River of Life, people, animals, plants, and everything around them. She talked about Skywatching and marking the seasons and passage of time. She said to him, "Learn from those older than you who carry the knowledge of the Ancients and pass along their wisdom to those who come after you. Keep watch, stay alert to changes, learn from others, and learn from the earth."

After Zura finished speaking, the original people from Flat Rocks: Tars, Piram, Riga, Kai, and Saba sang and danced their Naming song, the tradition of generations at Flat Rocks. Nagar did not join them. Saba prepared a bed for Nagar at the edge of the Thinking Circle so she could rest nearby.

It was now well into the night. Tars stood and brought Fenti-Dumu to stand in front of him by the fire. Saba woke-up Nagar and helped her move closer, near Tars and Fenti-Dumu. Nagar knew that Tars' words would be what Fenti-Dumu would remember most from this night, and what he would carry forward throughout his life.

Would making a new way of Naming anger the Ancients? Nagar thought back to that day long ago when the two Elders brought her the mangled remains of her son, killed by a big cat during his Naming night. She vowed to put an end to risking the lives of children, and at last it was done. They would make Namings about starting children on a path to not only help them survive but help their bode survive.

Tars began to speak, "Fenti-Dumu. This is the last time anyone will call you by that name. As the Travelers make their way across the heavens, so too do we make our way through our time on earth. Our journey has many stages, beginning when we are babies coming out of our mother's womb. For many the journey is short. We strive for our journeys to last until the days when we reach the wisdom of Elders.

"You have now passed through the days when you were small and weak and could not survive alone. Tonight marks the beginning of the days when you are half man and half child. You will keep learning and you will start to carry responsibilities that are yours alone. This will take time. How quickly you become a man depends on you.

"In your short life, Flat Rocks has experienced much sorrow and many difficulties. It is still difficult. If we are going to survive, we must stay strong. And that means each of us becoming as strong as we can and working together.

"There are times in life's journey when you need to help others, like the very young or very old or sick. And there will be times when it is you who need help. The strong today become the weak tomorrow, and the weak today become the strong. It is part of life's journey.

"Use the days ahead to learn everything you can from those around you. You will find something that is your special gift to Flat Rocks. Do not forget what is said tonight. These are the stories that have brought us together and will carry us forward.

"Tonight you receive a name that is yours for the rest of your days. The Ancients came to Nagar in a dream to give you your name - Grilu. It's like the sound of the hunting bird. It's a good name, Grilu."

Grilu smiled. Tars was right. It was a good name.

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