Reiki Fernandez

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Age: 17 and a half

Appearance: Reiki has red hair like his mother (Erza Fernandez) and his sister (Rosemary Fernandez). His eyes are hazel. He also has a mark resembling his father's (Jellal Fernandez), underneath his left eye.

Abilities: he can do Destruction magic just like his father, but is afraid of hurting or killing someone he cares deeply about. He's a swordwielder like his mother.

Likes: Strawberry Cakes; corny films, Rosemary, family, joking around and having fun.

Hobbies: He loves to tease his guild mates (especially Nash), he likes training, and discovering new things.

Personality: He is cheerful and can be cocky at times. Sometimes he takes a joke too far however he is a trusted leader who is very protective over his friends, guild members and family (even more protective over his sister). Like his mother, he is tough on the outside but very warmhearted and kind in the inside, but he gets jealous easily.

He's very powerful and loves training with Rosemary. However, once in the past, when Rosemary first started quickly surpassing him, he got jealous and tried to become more powerful which ended with half of the guild being destroyed. He now doesn't care, as long as he can protect his guild mates.

He's very dramatic and loud from all the films he loves watching.

Best friends: Rosemary, Nash, Gale, the twins, and Nova.

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