Coming up with a plan

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Oh my gods, 21K HAS READ THIS STORY. Thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much it means to me when I open up the app not only to find I have 314 NOTIFICATIONS but also for most of it is great feed back from all you guys. Thank you so much. I also will be fixing the about the character things (eventually) I'm sorry I haven't updated, I found out I have another disorder recently and I'm getting use to this and trying to figure out somethings. So hopefully I'll be updating weekly soon.

Rosemary's POV~

I felt the cold.

It was as if it was thick like water and I was the one drowning in the cold ocean.

My lungs hurt whenever I breath in the icy air and I could never seem to get a good breath to fill my screaming lungs. My body started to get light, and I couldn't feel my limbs. Is this it? Then I slowly began to feel a small warmth and I was able to feel the tingling in my toes. The warmth slowly spread through my body, making it feel heavy once again. I smelled smoke.

I opened my eyes to a blazing fire in front of me.

"So you're awake finally." Someone stated. I blink a couple times then brought my hands up to rub away the blurs in my eyes.


The person sighed, "Never mind."

I frown and look around. I was in a dark, dingy cave and the only source of light was the fire that she had made. On the other side of the fire was Emi, sitting peacefully on what it looks like two spread out blankets while she was carving a piece of wood with a small pocket knife. Roasting over the fire was some fish that looked well over cooked. I sat up, crouching over and yawned. A cold breeze went down my spine, making me shiver. I looked over my shoulder and found the opening of the cave. Outside was completely dark, suggesting that I had found where my cold breeze was coming from. I'm pretty sure this is how most horror stories start. The main protagonist feeling like something bad was about to happen then ends up waking up in a cave, in the middle of a frozen forest in the night. Well in my case that isn't entirely what happened but still.

"Where am I...?" I asked her.

"You don't remember?" She asked. "Remember the explosion I made and I kidnapped  your brother?"

I quickly sat up straight as all the memories come back to me. Then I quickly stood up and went into battle mode. Emi raised an eyebrow as she chomped at an fried fish, completely unfazed by my movements. Then the dizziness hit me and I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that it would go away.

"Sit down you stubborn girl." Emi told me not in a rude or threatening tone, but in humoured one. I shot a glare at her, "why should I?" I asked defensively. She sat leisurely in front of the fire as she finally finished off her stupid fish then told me, "Because you collapsed and you're probably not in a good state to move around as much as you already have."

We stared at each other for a few seconds before she sighed and ran a hand through her bangs.

"I'm not going to attack you, I promise. Well as long as you don't run, but I don't think you're simpleminded enough to run back into that rain storm." She nodded her head toward the entrance of the cave. "Anyways even you know that it would be pointless if you don't even know the way back to your precious guild."  I watched her as she essentially read out my thoughts one by one. Emi tossed the knife down and stood up. She shuffled over tiredly to her small baggage that was set down on the back of the cave. She picked up the bag and begun to rummage through it's contents.

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