Sorry for barging in!

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Hey! I just wanted to say thanks! I'm getting such GREAT comments on my story! Mainly on how it's made people laugh hard which makes me feel like I've accomplished a lot with my story. I love making people laugh. I also would like to point out that so far most of the story has been in Rosemary's POV, and it might be like that for a little longer but I'll try to spread out into more everyone's POV. Please be patient. Anyways, to the story!!


Rosemary's POV~

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" My annoying older brother screamed in my ear, imitated an alarm clock. However if his intention was to wake me up and make me want to skin him alive. Let me tell you that it worked very well.

I clenched my jaw and grumbled, "if you don't stop and get out in 5 seconds I'm going to (insert bad word here) beat you then sell your body in a different continent there for nobody would ever find you again."

Reiki gasped dramatically, covering his mouth with is hand.

"You wouldn't..." He gaped at me.

I quickly nod, "oh, I would." I smirk evilly then turn around to face him.

"Or-" I smile sinisterly. "Or I could send Nash in your place."

Reiki blushed. I snicker, "so you do like him!!" I yelled! I now have this beautiful information to hold on top of my elderly brother. I get up on top of my bed cover and begin to jump around, screaming at the top of my lungs, "REIKI LIKES N~ASH REIKI LIKES N~ASH!!!! AHAHAHAH!!"

I laugh even harder as Reiki's face pales slightly. "Rose! Shut up!" His face then begins to light up with embarrassment.
"NEVER!!" I laugh feeling completely awake now and having the time of my life teasing Reiki.

It's a sibling thing.

Reiki smirks and grabs my legs tripping me. I'm caught completely by surprise and I scream as I fall forward towards him.
He catches me and throws me over his shoulders. Now having the advantage,
Reiki carries me out of my room despite my "cries of refusal".

"Put me down jackass!" I curl my hands into fists and start to jam them into his back.

These are my "cries", they're not much of cries, they're more like fists of "wtf are you doing to me". If you get what I'm saying..?

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" Reiki said emotional less, but continues to carry me into the kitchen and it's seems like he's heading towards the table.
I think. I mean like, common, the only things I see is what we've already passed and Reiki's butt. And we're going into the kitchen.
But I have no clue where we're actually going. I grumble and hit his butt getting a good response from him, "woh!" Reiki stops in surprise but it wasn't too long before I heard him chuckling.
"You really didn't think that through enough dear Rose." He told me.
And after 'breakfast' I had to have a shower to wash out the bacon grease and pieces of scrambled eggs out of my hair because Reiki served the breakfast he made for me, on my head.

Ahhhh sibling love right?

After our fun morning we headed out to the guild. It is a beautiful morning. No cloud in sight, the air was fresh and the morning dew made everything look as if it had rain last night. I feel so alive today.

On our way we caught up with the Fullbusters on their way to the guild as well. Convenient, I know right?

"Hey you guys!" Reiki called out to them and he started to jog to I found myself smiling instantly as I watched the one person who just last night was promoted to be my boyfriend turn around and look at me.

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