Reiki the Demon

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AHHHHH so long I haven't posted. Wow I'm horrible SORRY!!!!!! I hope you like my new chapter!! But it is right now very slow. I dont know why. But the plot is slow next chapter will be faster! I promise! I'll give you some juicy Suff next chapter!!! But for now Enjoy!!

Storm's POV~

No one knows exactly what it is, but Nova believe it to be a magical transportation, or also known as a portal of some sorts. It's a silvery blue liquid flowing around the cave wall, almost like it was pond but you know... it probably isn't really even close to just being a pond. Even though we had no idea what this magical pond things is or even what it does everyone was so happy because we had finally felt as if we had found a clue to getting Rosemary back. Everyone had smiles lighting up our faces for the first time in a while. And to top if off Reiki in a dramatical and sarcastic way kissed Gale on the cheek. We all laughed as we watch as Gale shoved his friend away with the most disgusted face I've ever seen from him and Reiki turning to face a very, very angry and jealous Nash Dragneel. Although Nash was always able to hide his feelings well, however when it came to Reiki he couldn't hide anything.

I leaned against the cave wall keeping a close eye on my friends and the entrance way to the cave. I watched the others attempt to figure out we found, and soon after Reiki opened his mouth  I watch Nova getting pissed and hitting over the head (again) probably for dumb suggestion and a few others punch him in the arm. I chuckled at the scene. Nova turned and walked towards me still clearly annoyed.

She frowned, "Hey, what you smirking at?"

I shook my head, "what did he say?"

"Oh he suggested that we just tossed him in and we'll find out easy if it's safe or not." She explained with a tone of annoyance.

"Ahhh... but you know it's not that bad of a suggestion."

Nova sighed deeply, "Yeah. I know unfortunately but I don't like the idea. We have no idea who's or what is on the other side if it is really a portal. We've so far tested it by putting a twig half way in and then pulling it out. And we've done the safe for leafs. So I think it might not be harmful towards living things. But I don't known. I just feel Reiki is also being a bit reckless."

I glanced at Nova as she watched Reiki from a distance with a worried look plastered on her face. And I nodded to agree with her.

"Reiki is really good at hiding his feelings and I'm worried."

For a few seconds we had a few moments of silence before my beautiful sister turned and looked back at us, she immediately her face paled, "ummmmm.. Storm..."


"Look down.."

I looked down to find that I'm bare with the exception of my underwear. I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment and I immediately wrapped my arms around my body in attempt to cover up a little. Everyone turned and laughed as they watched me frantically putting on my cloths again.

We had a small moment as we smiled and laughed. Which was nice..

As the laughter was slowly dying down I heard a barely audible


Nova and my eyes met very quickly and her eyes quickly confirmed that what I heard wasn't my imagination unfortunately.

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