Storm Fullbuster

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Age: 17

Abilities: like both of his parents, he can do water body and ice maker.

Appearance: he has black hair but when he uses his ice abilities then he turns white. He also has blue eyes.

Likes: soft things (he's a softy ;) ) and ice pops.

Hobbies: he likes to dance, skate and cook. He cooks a lot for his siblings when they were younger because their parents were away a lot because of jobs.

Personality: He's very warm hearted and very protective over his loved ones. (Overprotective of his younger siblings)
He's mature and the older brother of the new generation. He's goofy like many of the other boys.

When he was younger he loved playing with his younger siblings and since then he's gotten fond of small children and loves kids.

Best friends: Reiki, Rosemary, Nova, Luna, and Gale

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