Rosemary Fernandez

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Age: 16

Appearance: She has red hair like her mother (Erza Fernandez) and her brother (Reiki Fernandez). She likes to braid her hair down the left side and she has brown eyes like her mother.

Ability: Crystal control, and energy manipulation. Sometimes she will fight with a sword.

Likes: Nature, mementos, and music (she can play the violin and a little piano), and she might have feelings for Rin and just might not realize it.

Hobbies: sword fighting, sewing, and dancing.

Personality: She's cheerful and honest. She's extremely powerful and has huge magical potential that put her in eyes of mages all over the continent. She holds her guild, friends and family close to her heart and is never afraid to fight for what she believes in. "Holding back" isn't in her dictionary. She's adventurous and curious but sometimes gets lost.

Rosemary loves to explore and take risks. She looks up to and loves goofing off with Her friends. Often when her father or brother gets overprotective she gets.....let's just say mad. She's soft and kind and always likes to show it. She's also very blunt like her mother.

Best friends: Nova, Reiki, Rin & Sylvia, Gale, Nash & Luna

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