Finding problems and answers

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Author's notes;
THANK YOU for all the wonderful comments! It makes me really happy!sorry I have not updated in so long. Merry Christmas and happy New Years! I hope your holidays are going well.

Reiki's POV~
"why can't you tell us where you're going?" Rose pouted childishly. My sister and I are laying on our parents bed trying to get them to fess up to what is going on by bombarding the two adults with questions as they packed what they needed for their upcoming job.

"because it's a extremely serious matter which is meant for adult ears only. Plus we're trying to prevent havoc." Dad smiled swooped down, planting a kiss on her forehead.
I raise my eyebrows, "oh yeah? I'm basically an adult. So why am I and Gale not being informed?" I questioned.

"Yeah!" Rose chirped in. "Reiki's technically an adult! Why don't you tell him!" She exclaimed.

Dad laughed. "Sweetheart, I'm sure the only reason why you want us to tell Reiki is so after he can tell you."

I sat up in defence  and protested, "What? No way would I-" Dad interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"Really?" He asked smiling widely,  placing his hands on his hips looking at me with the same familiar sparkle he had in his eyes. "You are telling me you wouldn't tell your sister?" Mom chuckled in the background. Dad spoke the truth. She knew it, Dad knew it, I knew it I just didn't feel like being wrong today. I sighed loudly in defeat. In all honesty I most likely would tell Rose if she had asked me.

I am one of Fairy Tail's finest warriors by myself. Add the rest of my team and you get an unstoppable force. Just like My mother and my father, I have a strong will.
However despite that I can beat many people, I'm strong and handsome.  If Rose asked me to do something, unless for some extremely strange reason I can't, 90% of the time I do what she says. But it's mutual. Normally when I ask her, she does it as well.

When we were younger, I use to believe that giving in to my adorable little sister requests all the time was a sign of weakness. So I decide to stay away from Rose. 'avoid her at all costs!!' Is what I thought to myself.
So whenever her and I was alone, I found some kind of excuse to leave. Excuses such as needing to go the bathroom, forgetting something, seeing something out of the ordinary, stuff like that.

After one and a half weeks of avoiding Rosemary, she broke down crying. Which shocked everyone. Because Rose never cried. Ever. But she cried for a good half an hour, asking if she had done something wrong, if I hated her, if she was a bad sister.
It broke my heart to see her so broken apart because of me. Ever since then, we have always had an even stronger bond.

I felt slightly irritated but I wasn't angry. They should tell one of us. I feel a bit childish and selfish when I say that I feel they can't just randomly leave, without telling us where they are going, or why.

Mom stopped packing and put down the cloths in her hands. There was a moment of silence as mom made her way over to me.
She bent over, placing her hands on her hips, and looked me straight in the eyes with her blank expression. My eyes widen a little and leaned backwards in fear that she was annoyed at my persistence. But instead she started to laugh.

"Reiki, you are far off from being an adult yet." She laughed and Dad chuckled. I frowned and stood up, "fine! Whatever!" I huffed and stormed down to the basement and into my bedroom.
Slamming the door and falling onto my bed facing upwards staring at my ceiling not bothering to turn on my lights.

There was a moment of silence before I heard the pitter patter of footsteps coming from upstairs making its way downstairs and finally down to the basement [Author's Notes: they have a three story house. An upstairs, main level, and basement. Do you know what I mean??] My bedroom door slowly opened. I groan excessively loud.
"Go away mom." I place my hands over my eyes not wanting to to talk to my parents.
"Please" I added, making sure if it was mom I wouldn't be killed.

I heard a giggle before someone ran and jumped onto my bed just missing my head.
"Ak!" My heart skipped a beat and I sat up too quickly making myself dizzy. Leaning on one arm I slowly run my forehead waiting for the dizziness to pass. Once I was able to process who, what, and why. I saw the bright red hair, and a smile going from ear to ear on my sisters face.

I smiled slightly, "yes Rose?"

"Reiki are you okay? Why are you so annoyed?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not annoyed." I tell her.

"Lies." Rose said bluntly and without any expression.

I face palmed. "Maybe I'm annoyed because someone nearly squished my head a minute ago?!" I exclaimed at my little sister.

"Tee Hee" she said "innocently" making me sigh.

"Everyone thinks I'm the devilish one."

Rose straightened up and frowned. "But really Reiki, what's wrong." She asked again but in complete seriousness this time. I sighed laying back down on my bed.

"You know." I looked at her and she nods. "I also just don't want mum and dad to leave."

Rose's expression softened. "I know. Me neither. I worry every time they go away. I can't help but think what if they don't come back...."

"Yeah, same..." I say in agreement. "But you'll always have me. I'll always protect you." I smile widely in an attempt to comfort her and give her more confidence.

She returns the smile. "I know!"

sorry for the wait!!! I really wanted to do this but with Christmas, exams, New Years, isn re doing my kitchen, I've been extremely busy. Sorry it's also really short. SORRY!!
I hope I'm not making the characters too soft. I'm just trying to make them human I guess. How I think they should feel. Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!

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