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Rosemary's POV~

I slowly walked back to the guild, taking my sweet time and deep breaths to regain a calm mind once again.
I kicked a pebble down my path, also feeling slightly ashamed at my small outburst.
"Rosemary!" I was shocked when I felt a large hand gently grip my wrist preventing me from walking further on. I turn around to face to owner of the hand. I curse at whatever God I could think would do this to me. Because of course the owner of the hand was the one person I really didn't want to see at the moment.
I turn all the way around to face him completely, still shocked to a point.

"Rin, what are you doing here..." I looked around, "and where are the others?"
Rin scratched the back of his head, slightly flustered.
"I left them back at the cafè. They are most likely making their way back to guild as we speak."
I blinked at him, not knowing what to say.
"Rose, what's wrong? I mean like, what happened?" He looked me in the eyes. "You just ran out." He looked generally concerned for me.
I know I should I should be happy that he ran all after me even after my out burst. But I found myself getting annoyed and irritated instead.
"Your asking me what's wrong...?" I asked bluntly. "Asks the guy who was glaring at me not even an hour ago!" I exclaimed. Rin looked slightly taken back by my words. I continued ranting, "what the hell did I do to you to receive such hate?!"

He took a deep breath and said my name calmly, "Rose." But I didn't listen, I just kept getting louder.

"I can't tell what your thinking Rin!"

"Rose." He kept his voice the same calm tone and his grip on my wrist had gotten slightly tighter.

"You jasckass!" I am practically in tears now.
Rin suddenly pulled on my wrist pulling me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a tight hug. At first all I could do was stand there because I was too surprised to move, but I quickly regained my composure and wrapped my arms around torso. "I'm sorry Rose..." He whispered. I gripped onto his white shirt.
After a minute, we released each other from the hug but he gently took my hand in his own.
"Rose are you free tonight at nine?" He asked me. He was looking at me carefully, but completely serious. I responded quickly, "yes."
He nodded, "ok meet me right here right by that flower pot." He pointed at a flower pot that had beautiful purple flowers growing inside.
I nodded, "got it."

What is going on....

Rin's POV~
~At the café just after Rosemary ran out~

"What-" Nash stood up. Everyone is confused, frankly so am I.
"Hey, you two get lost." Gale looked at the two girls crossing his arms, annoyed. "If you are bored, go somewhere else. You're just causing us problems." He told them. The girls huffed and left.

"Aw shit." Reiki stood up as well and pushed back his chair heading towards the door. "I'll go get her, head back in a few okay...?" He told the rest of the group. "Wait!" I quickly got up and ran to Reiki. "I'll go after her, it was something that I did probably that upset her. I'll go." I asked slash told Reiki. He smiled, clearly amused at the whole situation.
"Sure, I leave my sister in your hands for the time being. Bring her back, hopefully calm." He says and I smile gratefully turning and running out of the shop, choosing a random direction. I ran down the street, swimming the crowd for the beautiful bright scarlet red hair.
This gave me time to think. What did I even do? I know I was a bit too harsh before. Oh god. It was before wasn't it. When I glared at her...but why at that moment, almost 50 after that did she show real anger?
She blew up when.... Oh my god...when those girls were flirting with me... Was she jealous?

I ran faster, even more determined to find her. "Crap did I lose her?!" I asked myself out loudly. And as if on cue the red hair came into my view. I smile to myself racing towards the vibrant colour.

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