Rin Fullbuster

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Age: 16

Appearance: He had blue hair like his sister (Sylvia) and his mother, but short and black at bottom. He has black eyes matching Sylvia and his fathers. He has a tattoo on the back of his neck and a few piercings on his ears.

Abilities: Plasma beams, earth elements

Likes: Rosemary ("the plant") and betting.

Hobbies: He likes to sleep, joke around with the other guys, and dressing up.

Personality: He's hot headed and protective of Sylvia (his twin sister). Easily jealous and is always the joker of the lot. However, he's shy as well.

he and his older brother (storm) got the stripping habit from his father and strips whenever he gets nervous. He developed a crush on Rosemary from the moment he saw her but refuses to admit to it. He tends to strip whenever she's around.

Best friends: Nash Dragneel, Sylvia and Rosemary

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