Nova Dreyer

8.9K 178 15

Age: 18

Appearance: Her blond hair comes from her father while her eyes are normally blue like her mother's however change when she's using her magic.

Abilities: omnicounter Magic and very rare form of counter magic.

Likes: reading horoscopes; horse-riding

Hobbies: she likes to bartend and help out her mother and biking.

Personality: She sarcastic, witty and funny. She's the big sister to all of the new generation and is very protective over them. She's also a mentor. She likes to teach and push the new generation to get stronger. She likes and liked by many people.

When Reiki and her were younger they hung out a lot more because they are the same age but slowly became more distant. However they are still pretty close.

Best friends: Luna, Rosemary and Reiki

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