Waking up to a bad dream

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I just want to say thank you. I always enjoy I posting and then coming back and reading the comments I get because they're just always so beautiful. I really truly love this story because of all the people on here, encouraging me and telling me they love it. It truly makes me happy. Thank you so much.

Reiki's POV~

There's something about the world being so quiet that makes your thoughts so loud. I could hear my heart so clearly, nothing else. Just the soft beast thumping my chest, the thing that kept me alive. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe it isn't the only thing that keeps me alive everyday. My feelings never screamed at me the way they do now. All my the thoughts in my mind is taken up by him. Just him. At first I thought it was a curse, something that could hold me back, something that people could use against me. But now I see clearly the truth in all of it. He's different from everyone else. When that blast sliced down our doors, all I could think was,

"Nash.......where are you....."


Last thing I could remember was talking to Nash about fighting techniques and strategies when all of a sudden wham bam, darkness. Next thing I knew I was in a bed. I don't know who's but I can feel the light, soft blankets on my skin. I would had been is bed heaven if it wasn't for the massive head ache that mades me feel as if someone had taken a boulder and chucked it at my head. Not to mention my aching side.

I heard a bit of movement from somewhere in the room I was in and slowly I opened my eyes. Squinting when my eyes meet the afternoon sunlight.

"Reiki...?" A soft female voice called my name. For a second I almost thought it was the voice of my mother's, but it was slightly different. My vision slowly came into focus and and see Nova hovering over my bed.

"Hey there big guy." She smiled softly but her eyes showed her concern. I sat up and watched her as she dipped a cloth into a bowl of water then squeezed out the cloth. Placing it on my forehead Luna continued to smile gently and with such care. Not saying a single word.

"You've had a high fever for a while." She told me then she rubbed her eyes. "I've had to stay up by your side all night."

"Sorry." I felt guilty that she had to lose so much sleep over me. Luna shook her head, "Don't be. It wasn't your choice to be held captive and injured." She caught my complete attention and I sit up, "What did you say?" I ask firmly, burying my eyebrows in concern. Luna sighed and sat up straight, facing me with a blank expression. "There was was a big explosion in the guild and this girl name Emi took you hostage since you were unconscious." I look down at my lap and take in what she just told me.

"Why...? Why did she hold me hostage..." I could tell she flinched when I asked. "Your sister." I whip my head towards her," WHAT?!"

Nova frown and pressed a finger on her lips, "Shhhh it's still morning.."

"What the hell happened to Rose..." I'm in complete panic now. I don't understand what the hell is going on. Nova sighed and rubbed her forehead. I look around the place, "I'm at the guild...? Wait how long did I have a fever?"

"Three days"


Nova nodded, "Yeah, everyone is extremely worried about you. In the accident you had a piece of wood in your side and you lost a lot of blood. But you're okay now. That crazy girl healed you."
I can't seem to wrap my head around this situation. This day already had begun to be a roller coaster of feelings I wonder how Nash kept with it.

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