Freaking out

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Author's notes and disclaimer~~
I do not own any of the photos used.
I am so sorry for not updating. I've been extremely busy over the past weeks. Sorry. This chapter might be a bit short too, sorry! After Christmas
Hey! I just wanted to warn that there might be graphic language (a.k.a. Swearing, but not the f word) just wanted to give you a heads up!

Rin's POV

"What the hell!?" I shouted with all the rest of the new generation. (They call us that, I don't know why.. Anyways..)
"What the f- OW!" Reiki clutched his stomach falling to his knees in pain. Rose had instantly rammed her elbow into her older brother's stomach.
"Watch your language Reiki!" She hissed, then much much to my displeasure she walked over to my side. I could already feel a faint blush on my cheeks as she stop beside me.
"What do you think is going on." Rose asked me firmly. I could tell she was trying to keep her composure. It was hard to do so in these circumstances. When our parents told us about going away for some time because of an job, I figured a few days. But two weeks is such a long time even for our parents to leave fairy tail.
"I honestly have no idea. But it's extremely unusual they will not tell us where to they are going. It feels like something is unbalanced." I told her.
I look over to the two eldest boys in the younger group, who are suppose to be the most mature ones, and watched them run around flipping a couple tables. Although I don't think Gale or Reiki are actually panicking or anything. This is just an excuse for them to flip some tables and have a "reason" to do so. I roll my eyes.
All of a sudden, there was a loud BANG which startled everyone but our parents. I stepped in front of Rose as a couple plates and cups flew in our direction from one table being flipped with too much force. Reiki and Gale popped out from behind the table smirking. Reiki looks at me and snorts, "pfft, sorry there Rin. We didn't think the table was that light." I clenched my fist and getting annoyed with all the table flipping. I managed to protect Rose from the water and food, but I got covered instead. I sighed loudly and felt a tight tug on my shirt from behind. "Ah! Crap! Sorry Rose" I jumped out of her way. Rose stepped out from behind me, took one good look at me and groaned loudly rubbing her forehead.
"I am so sorry Rin." She said apologetically. I blushed, cursing under my breath I nearly missed her soft smile.
Sylvia walked over and asked me, "hey, you okay...?"
"Yeah, just dirty and gross." I lift up my arms and stick out my tongue in disgust. Rose sighed in stress and rubbed her forehead, "I am so sorry for my brother's stupidity."
"Hey, it's cool as long as your alright...?"
"Yes, I am. Thank you Rin." She smiles sweetly. My heart skipped a beat. What they say is true, she's not only as strong as her mother, but as beautiful too. But I already knew that. I smile sheepishly blushing. Rose then turned around and walked towards the two pranksters who at the moment laughing over something. I laughed as Rose walked up behind her brother with her arms crossed, glaring. Both Reiki's and Gale's faces pale. "AHHH DEMON!" Reiki jumped away from his sister.
"Demon...?" Rose grabbed Reiki by the shirt and shook him around. "Who the hell are you calling a demon?!?!"
I snicker, "now he's done it. He's screwed." Sylvia shook her head and said, "what a stupid Brother." She look to me then sighed loudly "speaking of stupid brothers...". I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. "You know Rin..." Sylvia pats my arm, "you need to stop being so nervous around Rosemary" she scolded me.
Sylvia jabbed her finger towards my chest, "you got nervous and stripped again." I looked down finding out I was only in my boxers, again. "CRAP!" I quickly pick up my lose clothing and got dressed again. Just as I finished pulling on my white t-shirt Storm called me over. I waved to Sylvia and Rose and walked over to Storm.

Nova's POV~

"Hey Nova?" Reiki asked walking up to me at my table with Gale following closely behind. I grew worried watching them walk to me. Instead of their trade mark prankster, goofy, weird, happy faces. Their expression was haunted.
"Hey, can you talk to Rose for me please?" Reiki asked motionless. I nod. What happened, not two minutes ago they were so cheerful, but now.... "Reiki, whatever is going on it'll be alright. Just ease up alright?" I stood up and walked past him. "You are going to scare everyone."
I made my way over to The corner table where Rose was sitting. She wasn't in much better shape than her brother. I waved my hand in front of her face. You could almost see the gears turning, she was clearly in deep thought. Her head snapped up and looked at me.
"Oh, sorry. Ha ha, I was thinking," she smiled sheepishly. "I could tell Rose." I pulled out a chair sat down beside her. She looked down unintentionally going back into deep thought. After a few awkward seconds I asked snapping her out of the trance, "is this about the feeling all the new gen. Is talking about..?"
She nods, "yeah...not only that but also why does their job need absolute secrecy?"
"Yeah it must be serious. But in any event, we are together. Spiritually, mentally, physically."
She nods and we go back into the stubborn awkwardness. I do not like the horrible expressions I'm seeing on my family. They're all worried, I am too but they're showing it. Maybe they're forgetting we are together..? I can't do anything for them just yet but However At this moment I want to make Rosemary smile.  But how? Then it hit me, I smirk and nudge Roses arm playfully. "I saw Rin before. How he jumped in the line of fire to protect you without hesitation." I said raising my eyebrows teasingly. Rose smiled softly, "yeah he's so sweet."
"Hey there's something I've been meaning to ask you?" I told her looking her straight in the eyes. "Now my dear Rose, there's a rumour going around that you like somebody? Is this true?" I asked leaning back in my chair. Her face lit up at the question. "Yup!"
I gasp at her, "Oh my gosh! When were you going to tell me?? Whatever, Tell me 'bout him now!" Her cheeks Flushed lightly
"Well he's kind, sweet, shy. He's just a very good person in general. He likes making people laugh." I watched Rose describe this special person. I notice the pride in her voice and happiness in her eyes. "Arggggggg," I groan loudly once she finished talking about this certain boy.
"What is it Nova?" Rose asked me. "Was there something you didn't like about him?"
I laugh and wave my hand in the air, "hell no. He sounds perfect. I am just so envious of you!" Rose smiles widely and rest her cheek on her palm. "I know right? I think I'm jealous of myself!" We both laugh, I wonder who it is...? I couldn't start to guess who the boy was because I felt somebody behind us. " like somebody...?" I turned around to find the one boy who has like Rose since they were 10. Rin.


(Yes I'm just this cliche)
Rin's POV~

Damn, Rose likes somebody..since when? I'm heart broken without even confessing. Well she probably knew anyways but still.. "Yeah...I like someone.." She replied to my question. I nod. Putting on my best smile, I look up and say to the two girls, "that's great! He's a lucky guy!!" I laugh a little too loud. "I'm happy for you!" I said lying through my teeth. I need to do this. But I'm not happy. So much is being dropped on our plates. So much drama and stupid things that make my blood boil. This is reality. With what's going on I must be strong for everyone. But all at the same time, I felt cheated.
"I hope you the best of luck!" I bow and walked outside of the guild to get some fresh air so I could clear my mind. I walk around slowly, just thinking.
I've liked Rose for a long time now. But I was honestly okay with her not liking me back, as long as I could see her, talk to her, be her best friend still. I was okay. But now, she likes someone. I realize why then in frustration I sigh. Running my fingers through my hair. I think out loud,
"When did I start loving her..."

Yay! Again sorry!! There's a lot going on. I'm sorry it's horrible writing too. ;-; thank you for reading.

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