Gale Redfox

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Age: 19

Appearance: He use to have light blue hair like his mothers but died it darker green so he could be imitating.  he also has red eyes. He wear many piercings and normally is always glaring like his father.

Abilities: Like his mother, he uses letter magic but Instead of solid script, he uses Jutsu Shiki and Dark Écriture.

Likes: He likes to sleep and read when he's not pulling pranks and goofing around with his best friend Reiki.

Hobbies: Pulling pranks, training, reading.

Personality: whenever he's not around friends, family or guild members. He's quiet. When he's with people he knows he loud, goofy and and trying to pull a prank.

He and Reiki has always been best friends. They both shared a emotional moment once when they were small. Something that made them even closer and understand each other even better. There's no secrets between the two.

Best friends: Rekik and Rosemary, Rin

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