Running Into Walls

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or the art. The art that my story is based off of (character wise) is art made by KKUMRI, please go follow her on tumblr.

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've really posted a GOOD chapter. I'm sorry about that. But we all have our own issues and lives. But over the time I was inactive my story has actually gotten more attention than I ever thought it would had and it's truly thanks to you guys.
Thank you,

Sylvia's POV (It's around 10:30 AM the next day after Into The Woods)~

"Whatever we need to find is directly straight down this way, somewhere down this line." Gale expressed to the group (Nova, Gale, Storm, Nash, Luna, Rin, Reiki, and I) pointing south from where he was.

"Wait you mean you don't know exactly where it is?!" My older brother gaped in disbelief at Gale as he shook his head slowly. "It could be miles before we find it!"

"And we don't even know what we're looking for." Rin ran his hands through his hair clearly stressed and pointing out the other horrible fact. I looked sadly at my twin and walked over to stand by his side.

"Shit..." Reiki looked at his feet, placing his hands on his sides. "This is complete bull shit."

"Mhm chill man, it'll be alright okay?" Gale said as he "patted" Reiki on his back. Reiki's expression quickly turned from sadness to pain and rolled his shoulders while mouthing the word 'ow'.

"True. It is bullshit. So let's get going" Nova turned around and heaved her heavy bag over her shoulder as the rest of us looked at her confused. She stopped and looked at us, "Well let's go!" Everyone including myself jumped to our feet and began to frantically scramble around.

"We're going to need all the time we can get! But we shouldn't walk as a group. Line up in a straight line and put space in between you and the person next to you. We'll cover more ground that way." She instructed. We moved quickly, grabbing bags and gear.

"But-" I began but Nova interrupted me "Yes. There's not much to off of." She turned to face me. "And in most cases I'd love to sit around and find more information or evidence so we're not only going off of dirt. But we can't because this is Rose. OUR Rose. I mean come on! We're Fairy Tail!! When one of our guild members are in trouble we don't think! We cause damage to those people who hurt or take our family!"

"And damage to any village, town or city in a 10 mile radius." Luna quickly added.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh" Her older brother shook his head at her. "Well it's true" Luna shrugged. I nodded in agreement to her statement. "Definitely true there girl."

"Everyone knows that if faced with a challenge, Fairy Tail would choose to blow it up rather than thinking of rational ways to deal with it. Like common guys." Nova said in a 'matter of fact' tone. "Anyways, WE'RE WASTING TIME LET'S GO." She snapped her fingers a couple of times at us.

I went a quickly grabbed my bag, shoving all the extra items laying around it back into the bag. I stopped when I heard the sounds of glass hitting against glass. "Oh yeah, Reiki?" I looked up and around the group whil pulling out a bag within my own.

"Yep?" Reiki walked over to me and smiled. "Do you want me to carry something? Don't be afraid to ask me! I had a good sleep last night surprisingly. I don't know if that might be bad or good though..." Reiki told me as he held out his hands already expecting me too hand him something.

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