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sorry guys its my first fanfic. its my first time writing anything of this sort. if you feel like I drag it to much im sorry but please comment on how it is. THANK YOU for reading. ~~ENJOY~~


15 years later

Beep~ Beep~ Beep~

The alarm clock on the night stand goes off. Hye Mi rolls onto her right side and turns the alarm clock off and stretches while laying. She sits up and ruffles her hair and gets out of bed. After getting ready for the day she walks down stairs and sees her grandma in the kitchen. She walks up and gives her grandma a back hug and says," Good morning halmeoni."

Grandma: "Morning Hye Mi," her grand ma turns around to face her, grabs her hands and ask, "Is my granddaughter doing fine?"

Hye Mi: "Of course I am why wouldn't I be," Hye Mi lies to her grandma while smiling. Hye Mi hugs her grandma again and says," Halmeoni, I have to leave first and do some things at the company so I won't be eating breakfast with you guys this morning."

Grandma: " Jinjja, what does my granddaughter need to do on her day off," her grandma asks her.

Hye Mi: "Nothing much I just need to revise over a few things that's all," Hye Mi tells her.

Grandma: "Okay, but promise me you won't overwork yourself like what your older brother Hye Sung did okay," her grandma asks her.

Hye Mi: " Ne," hye mi answers and leaves.

The drive to the company took around 30-45 minutes depending on the traffic and speed traveled. Hye Mi parks her car and goes up to the 5th floor and enters her office. As soon as she sits down she opens up documents on her desk and starts reading over them. After 4 hours of non-stop reading she rubs the back of her neck and looks at her watch on her right wrist. The time reads 12:45 and she sighs and gets up. As she grabs her things one of her employees barge in.

Employee 1: "Hye Mi-ah sorry for being rude but they're at it again," the employee tells her.

Hye mi runs out of her office and to the other side of the floor and enters the last room on the right. As she enters, two girls were pulling on each others hair and screaming at each other. The two were so busy fighting and arguing that they didn't notice their boss entering.

Hye Mi yells," What are you two doing!". Shocked from her voice they both let go and bow 90 degrees and look at their feet. Hye Mi walks up to them and says," If I see this one more time both of you two are fired and don't think that just because you two are famous doesn't mean I cant replace you two. Understand?!".

Both Girls: "Ne," they both answered.

Hye Mi exits the room and enters her studio office. She enters the room and locks herself in there. She exhales, puts on her headphones and starts composing. After hours of composing she gets up and returns back to her office. Taking a glance at her wrist watch the time reads 4:45 p.m. She grabs all her stuff and leaves the office. She enters her car and goes to a nearby café. She orders a large Carmel Latte with Blueberry muffin.

After placing her order she gabs a buzzer and sits near the windows in the corner looking out the window. Her buzzer rings and she gets up to go grab her order. As she turns around she bumps into a boy and spills her latte all over her blouse.

The boy gasps and says," Sorry, I am so sorry I was not paying attention.".

Hye Mi takes off her watch and rolls up the sleeves to her blouse and suddenly he says,"Hye Mi.".

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