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If you guys are reading this message right now I thank you guys sooooo much anyways I'll try to make it fast, simple, and sweet to the point. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!  ~~ENJOY~~



My phone was ringing and I looked at it, EVIL WITCH, I sighed and answered," What do you want?". 

On the other end the witch asked," Jungkook, my son, where are you I really want to see my son after 10 long years."

Jungkook: I sighed and answered," I'll be back later tonight bye.".  As I was hanging up I ran into a girl and spilled her coffee all over her blouse.  I apologized and as I was helping her clean up she took off her watch and I saw the glimpse of a star on the underside of her right wrist.  Without knowing I said," Hye Mi.".  She looks up at me and I saw the same pair of eyes that looked at me with fear, care, and love like the same ones of 15 years ago only difference is that her eyes looked as if she saw a stranger. 

Hye Mi: "Do you know me by chance," she asks.

Jungkook: With her question I snapped back into reality and answer," Oh, I just thought you looked familiar to someone I've known a long time ago that's all.".  After helping her clean up I noticed that her blouse was sort of see through so I took my jacket off and put it on her.

Hye Mi: " What are you doing," she asks as I put my jacket on her and zip it up.

Jungkook: "shhh," I tell her and say," Your blouse is see through.  Sorry about the accident but I'm kind of in a rush right now so......."

Hye Mi: "Oh youre fine don't worry about it," she interrupts and grabs her stuff by the window and returns.  Right before she leaves she turns to me and says," Thanks for the jacket but I kind of need your number so I can return your jacket to you."

Jungkook: "Its okay the longer you have it, it means that i'll get to see you again someday and I really want to meet you again properly.  so ill be taking off then," I told her and left the café.  As I was leaving I could feel my face getting super red and my heart beating fast.  I thought to myself who are you?  Are you really hye mi or do you just not know or are you just playing with me. 


I quickly rush back to my car and sit there thinking to myself. Why are you getting so red hye mi and why is your heart beating so fast. How does he know you? Who are you to do this to me? What is happening to me?

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