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I am soooooo sorry for what a long chapter the last one was. Sooooo sorry :( but thank you for still reading and please do!!!! ~~ENJOY~~




Startled and frightened I jump in my chair in my studio office. I decide to wrap up my work and leave. As I gathered my stuff and turned the lights off I looked into the hallway and notice that it was dark. I instantly reenter my studio office and turn the lights back on. As I backed into the corner,


I immediately sat on the couch and covered my ears. I pulled my knees to my chest and covered my ears.


Another one and I screamed. I sat in the corner and screamed while I cried. In the midst of all this I hear someone yelling my name. That some one enters the room and hugs me instantly.


As I got on the fifth floor I heard a scream coming from the right side of the floor. I ran and entered the room to see Hye Mi sitting in the corner, covering her ears and screaming while crying. I ran to her and hugged her instantly. I see her and she finally opens her eyes and look at mines.

She hugs me back and says," Jungkook-ah, please don't leave me alone tonight.".

I stroke the back of her head and say," It's okay I'm right here.".

Another thunderclap and she hugs me even tighter causing me to fall on the couch.

We both lay there on the couch and as I try to get up she hugs me tighter and asks," Can't we just stay like this for tonight?".

I look down and sees her teary eyes looking straight into my eyes. I nod and she rests her head on my chest. As time passes by she falls asleep.

I kiss her forehead and say," I wish to always be like this. Forever and ever.". I rest my head on top of hers and fall asleep.

~~The Next Morning~~


As I was sleeping I felt someone's chest rising up and down slowly. As I opened my eyes I saw someone's chest. As I looked up I saw Jungkook sleeping soudlessly like a little baby. He has always looked soo cute but now that he's asleep like this he looks very handsome.

I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he holds me tighter and mumbles," Hye Mi-ah I like you.". As I heard him say that there was a sudden flashback.


It was a sunny day and a little girl walked away angry with her arms crossed across her chest. As she walked away a little boy came up running to her and stopped her. 

She yelled," What are you doing! Why don't you just go back running to your sweetheart!".

He takes her hand and says," Mi Mi-ah please hear me out.".

"No-" she yelled back and the little boy yells out," I like you!".

~~End of flashback~~

After the flashback I thought to myself who are you Jungkook? Why is this happening to me? Suddenly Jungkook starts to squirm and then opens his eyes and looks down at you. You two make eye contact and he suddenly gets up causing him to fall off the couch. You giggled a bit because he was so cute when he fell.

He gets up and says," I'm sorry.".

After he says that he leaves before you can thank him for what he did last night. You gather your stuff and go home to change then come back to work to decide on who passed the audition. As you arrive back at the office you realize that you never woke up from a bad dream and finally thought wow that was a good nights sleep. As you saw Jungkook you smiled to yourself and thought how could I forget someone like you?

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