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Sorry for the last chapter I thought it was pretty weird. I'll try to make the chapters make more sense. Thank you for reading and enjoy.

~~At the office the next morning~~


Hye mi sits in her office and pulls out her cell phone. She calls Bo Young.

BO YOUNG: hey why did you call me so early in the morning.

HYE MI: that's because you passed the audition please swing by the company so we can get started okay???

BO YOUNG: Of course ill be over in a few minutes.

After they hang up hye mi and jungkook makes eye contact. They both blush and look away instantly. She hears a knock on her door and she looks up to see her older brother.

She jumps up and says," Oppa!". She hugs him and he hugs her back.

He laughs and says," Are you that happy to see oppa?".

" Of course I am why would you even ask," hye mi tells him.

" Okay lets sit down and talk about how you're doing as of right now," her older brother tells her. She nods her head, he closes her office door and they sit and talk.


As I was getting up to go ask her a question a man entered her office ad she looked so happy to see him. She even gave him a hug and looked so happy. Is he her boyfriend? I then thought to myself why am I feeling this. Am I jealous? It should be fine if she has a boyfriend I mean its not like I was by her side the entire time. I guess I shoul just let her go. Yeah maybe I should... As I sat in my office I heard someone knock on my door and I look up to see Bo Young. I smile and say," Hi! What are you doing here?"

Bo Young answers back," Oh didn't you know? I passed the audition I came here to talk to Hye mi did she not tell you?".

" No I guess she forgot," I told her. I see the man leave and tell bo young," You should probably go see her now.".

" Okay," and as Bo Young walks away she says, " It was nice meeting you. We just need to gather and talk about our lives.". Bo young leaves and I stand and stare at hye mi before I sit.


Someone knocks and enters the office. Hye mi look up and sees bo young standing in front of her. Before they start talking Bo Young asks, Hye Mi" So did I really pass or did you just give it to me ?".

" Of course you passed that's why you got it pabo," Hye Mi tells Bo Young.

After that the two talk about the contract and other things.

Before Bo Young leaves she asks," Hey what happened to Jungkook? He didn't look really happy when I was talking to him earlier.".

" Really?," Hye Mi looks to his office and answers ," I'll check on him tonight before I leave."

" Okay," Bo Young answers and leaves after giving her a hug.

As night time approaches everyone leaves leaving hye mi and jungkook at the office. Before hye mi leaves she walks over to jungkooks office and knocks on the door.

As she enters jungkook looks at her and asks," What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be going home?".

" I should be going home doesn't mean I have to but I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for two nights ago. Also to not stay late tonight, I don't like it when my employees are up late at the office. It makes me feel uncomfortable," hye mi tells him.

" okay I'll leave in a bit," jungkook tells her then sneezes. Hye mi walks to him and puts her hand on his forehead. Jungkook pulls back and clears his throat.

Hye mi pulls her hand back and says," Oh so night.".

" Okay, night night hye mi-ah," jungkook tells her.  hye mi walks to the elevator and as she reaches there a flashback plays in her head.


" Good night mi mi-ah," a little boy tells a little girl.  " Okay nighty night oppa," the little girl tells the boy.

~~ office~~

After seeing this Hye Mi shakes her head and thinks to herself who are these two people.

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