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Hey guys, sorry but imam make the story short and end it with this chapter. Sorry to be ending it so soon.




As the men pull a bag off of Hye Mi's head she shakes her head and see's her older brother in front of her unconscious. She tears up and the man says," There is a way you can save your brother.".

" What is it," she answers back.

" Easy, just kill yourself in place of him and I'll let your grandma and brother go," the man whispers into her ears.

Before she can answer a women walks out in front of Hye Mi and says," Can't you leave her family alone?".

Everyone turns and looks at the women and Hye Mi notices that the women is Jung Kook's mother. His mother holds the gun to her head and says," Let her go or else I'll kill myself.".

Hesitating the man unties Hye Mi and pushes Hye Mi towards the women. As Hye Mi gets up she hears Jung kook's voice. She turns in the direction of his voice and the man shoots and suddenly pain hits her right leg.

Jung kook catches her and yells, " What do you want?".

The man then says," I'll offer you a deal my dear nephew. You can walk away out of here with that girl and her brother if you kill your mother. If you can't kill your mother you can say bye to that girl.".

Stuck in a sticky situation Jung kook is thinking of what to do. While he is thinking the man starts counting down from five. As he gets to 1 his mom stands in front of him and gives him the gun. She points it to her heart and says," Do it son. Remember I killed her family it's only right for you to kill me back and let them live safely.".

Quietly Hye Mi says," Don't Jung kook she's your mom. Your mom only did as she was she told to keep he family safe. Just kill me instead.".

Hye Mi slowly grabs the gun and Jung kook whispers into her ear," The police are surrounding the place right now.". Hye Mi grabs the gun and pushes Jung kook and his mom behind a metal table and points the gun at the man. Jung kook grabs her brother and pulls out another gun.

Hye Mi then says," It seems that the tables have turned around. I'll now make a deal with you. Either die or go jail.".

" Neither," the man smiles and points his gun towards Jung kook and Hye Mi runs in front of Jung kook as the man fires and the bullet hits Hye Mi's stomach. As she falls she aims and shoots the man and gets his leg causing him to fall and Jung kook pulls Hye Mi behind the table as the rest of his men shoots at them. The police enter and the men are fleeing away.

Jung kook holds Hye Mi in his arms and cries. She cups his face and says," kookie-ah uljima.".

He looks at her and says, " You remember?".

She laughs and says, " Yah pabo why don't you call me Mi Mi-ah anymore. I miss it.".

Jung kook holds her hand and says," Mi Mi-ah.".

She weakly smiles and says," Yeah that's right.". After she says that she coughs and blood spills out of her mouth. He cries even harder and tries to carry her but then she pulls on his arm and he looks at her. She shakes her head no and pulls him in tighter. Burying herself in his embrace she says," Don't it's already too late. Lets just stay like this.".

" No," he yells and she leans up and kisses his cheek.

She lies back down and say," Promise me you won't be mad at your mother. She did everything she could to keep her family safe so please don't be mad at your mother.".

" Okay," he promises her and cries more.

She grabs his left hand with her right and intertwines their fingers. She smiles and says," Kookie-ah promise me you'll always be happy and move on. You deserve to be loved by someone else and not me.".

" No, you're the only one for me. There's no one else besides you Mi Mi-ah," he cries to her.

" Ani yo. There is always someone out there. you just refuse to meet them. Also take care of my halmonie too," she says.

He nods his head yes and says," Hye Mi-ah saranghae.".

Before he receives an answer her right hand falls down to her lap and head tilts to the right. He holds her tighter and creams out her name......


Jung kook is standing on the balcony outside of her room holding the jacket that he gave to her when they first met. He sniffs the jacket and cries. Hye Mi walks to his side and says Jung kook-ah I'm always by your side. As she pats hos head her hand runs right through him. Now no matter how much she wants to hold him and matter how much he wants to hear her voice they can longer because they no live in separate worlds.


Hye Mi turns around and answers," Yes I choose B.".

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