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Hi thank you very much for still reading.  You guys don't know how thankful I am but please do continue reading I have a lot of juicy ideas and situations in the upcoming chapters.  do look forward to it.  Thank you for reading!!! ~~ENJOY~~

This is after the whole office lunch  date thing and its the next day.


It was a regular night and morning for Hye Mi.  When she arrives at her office Soo Min enters and says," Todays the big day I hope everything goes well for you.". 

" Oh Yeah it is, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Hye mi tells her assistant. 

She leaves her office and enters the audition room and checks everything before 12:00 arrives.  30 minutes before 12:00 Jungkook enters with his judging panel and sits on the seat to the left of the Hye Mi's.(from the auditionees pov).  Hye Mi also enters with her judging panel and flips through the auditionees.  She flips through them and stops on one, Lee Bo Young, her friend. 

She sighs and says," Just because your my friend doesn't mean that i'll go easy on you.". 

Jungkook hears and says," You don't have to because I know she's talented enough to come here and audition for you.  Because if she wasn't she'd go somewhere else, not here.". 

" Really," Hye Mi looks him in the eyes and immediately gets up and walks away.


When she looked me in the eyes she suddenly got up and left the room.  Did I make her upset or was there something I said wrong?  I follow her out, grab her wrist and pull her back.  Now that she is facing me I look down into her eyes and she avoids them. 

I then ask," Whats wrong, are you avoiding me?".  

While looking away she answers," No, im not avoiding you I-I-I just left to go to my office to grab my phone that's all.". 

" Really," I answered as I reached my hand into her jacket pocket and pull out her phone and as I show it to her I say," Its right here.". 

A little bit flustered she smiles a big smile and says," Thanks.".  She grabs her phone and walks back into the audition room.  As I enter I can tell that she was somewhat trying to avoid me but I didn't want to make her feel awkward so I just stared at her as I walked to my seat and sat down.


As I looked into his eyes I felt a little bit nervous and awkward so I quickly got up and left the room.  As I left the room my heart began beating faster and faster  then suddenly someone's hand grabs a hold of my wrist.  As he looks me in the eyes I avoid because I wasn't sure that if I looked him in the eyes would I even be paying attention to his question? 

He asks," why i'm avoiding him.".  Shoot how can he see right through me.  Hurry Hye Mi come up with an excuse. 

I quickly answered, " No, I'm not avoiding you I-I-I left to go to my office to grab my cell phone that's all.".  Whoo~~ that was a close one good job Hye Mi, one point for you. 

He pulls something out of my pocket and says," It's right here.". 

CRAP!!! How can I forget that I always have my phone in my pocket.  I quickly grabbed it while saying thanks and quickly walk back into the audition room.  As I sat in there I thought to myself how dumb can you be Hye Mi? Snap out of it Hye Mi.  Come on he's just someone you work with and someone you used to know although you don't remember him at all, but still come on. 

As he enters I looked at my phone to make it look like I was busy.  As he walks to his seat I can feel his eyes on me.  I can feel the palm of my hands getting sweaty and suddenly it gets hard to breathe as he  sits right next to me.  Come on Hye Mi, you've met other guys before you can do this unless...... No!! No way Hye Mi you've only met him two days ago.  Snap out of it.

~~After the audition~~

Bo Young walks up to Hye Mi and Jungkook.  She links her arms with each of them and says," Lunch is on me.".  As she says that she drags the two to Hye Mi's car and they go to a Korean BBQ place. (I don't know what they're called sorry.).  During lunch the sky starts to get dark a little and Bo Young says." Looks like its about to rain.  Hye Mi-ah are you gong to be fine tonight?". 

" Yes I'll be fine don't worry," Hye Mi tells Bo Young. 

Out of curiosity Jungkook asks," Why do you ask that Bo Young?". 

" Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that after the death of her parents Hye Mi's been afraid of thunderstorms," Bo Young tells him. 

Jungkook looks at Hye Mi and she says," I'll be fine don't worry. I'm a big girl now.".  After lunch Bo Young leaves and the two return back to the office to work.

~~Later on that day a thunderstorm comes in. Everyone leaves except for Jungkook and Hye Mi~~


I went into Hye Mi's office to make sure she left and she wasn't there.  Thinking no one else was around I turnd the lights off and went to the parking lot.  As I went to my car I saw Hye Mi's still there.  I thought that was weird because I didn't see her in the office.  As I called her, I saw a little light from the inside of her car and realized that she didn't have her phone.


Shit! Hye mi doesn't like thunderstorms.


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