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I really want to thank you guys for still reading, sorry if its  lagging and very slow. I apologize again. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!! ~~ENJOY~~

I started this chapter right after they got done watching the move and exchanged numbers.


Hye Mi lays in bed wide awake unable to sleep.  She keeps thinking about those pair of eyes.  She turns to her phone and the time reads 10:50pm and she got a text from Jungkook. 

JUNGKOOK: Hey are you still awake???

HYE MI: Yeah why???

JUNGKOOK: Just wondering that's all...

JUNGKOOK: Do you have time tomorrow? Do you wanna hang out some time tomorrow???

HYE MI: Sorry I work tomorrow.

JUNGKOOK: Oh okay but if that's the case shouldn't you be asleep then?

HYE MI: I should doesn't mean I have to.

JUNGKOOK: Wow, I guess you really haven't changed at all. lol

HYE MI: What do you mean?

JUNGKOOK: Oh yeah I forgot but anyways you used to say that all the time when we were younger that's all.

Jinjja? hye mi thought to herself.

JUNGKOOK: Anyways since you have work tomorrow go to sleep. night night!

HYE MI: Okay night night also!

Night night she read over and over again.  As she fell asleep a fragment of her memory comes back.

~~Lost Memory~~

"Hye Mi-ah night night!," a little boy told her and she awoke instantly. 

Sitting in bed she thought to herself what was that?  Who is that boy and who are you? After asking herself that she tried going to sleep again. 


Thunder clap ~10 years ago, 3 months after her accident~

Hye mi runs to her dads lap covering  her ears and says," Daddy, I'm scared.". 

Her daddy hugs her and says," It's okay, daddy's here, you'll be safe.". 

After he said that the front door flew open and a group of men in black suits entered the house but this time the women covered her face so no one knew who she was. 

Her dad asks," Who are you people how dare you barge into my house like this.".  

The women laughed and says," Why would I let you know that?". 

She pulls out a handgun and points it to Hye Mi.  Right before she shot, Hye Mi's mom ran in front of her and died as she took the bullet.  Hye Mi, from the top of her lungs, screams," Mom!!!!!".  As the next shot gets fired her dad throws himself in front of her and faces her.  As he gets shot he falls on her and covers her with his body.  As the women closes in she grabs Hye Mi and throws her across the room.  The women throws her like a rag doll until police siren could be heard and they flee from the house.

Thunder clap ~~Hye Mi's room~~

Again Hye Mi wakes up gasping for air and covered in sweat this time she lets out a scream and her older brother Hye Sung bursts into her room.  He runs to her and hugs her instantly.  As he hugs her she cries and sobs into his chest.  She cries and thinks to her self why..... why..... why!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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