Chapter 1

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As I was dancing in the corner if my eye I saw a guy staring at me so I turned and gave him a better view.As he got closer I walked away and went to the bar."Can I have A Margarita please."I said standing at there the bar."Make That two."The guy that was staring at my ass said."So do you usually give guys something to see and then walk away." he said kissing my neck."Well if they like what they see then yes."I said taking my drinking to a couch."So your name is."He said sitting next to me."Miss Ann and yours."I said moving closer."Gerald also knew G-eazy Also is that your real name."He said filling in the space.

"Oh, you're that guy."I said moving again."Why do you move so much?"He asked moving me in to his lap grabbing my waist.I just stared at him we had one of those moments were you don't know what can happen next.None of us were moving so I kissed him on his lips in no time he kissed back."Let's go back to your place."He said smiling."Why can't we go back to your place?"I said."Fine we can go to my place."He said carrying me out of the club."Did you bring your car."He Asked."Nah I took a cab."I said smiling.

"Okay to my place we go.why can't we go to yours again?"He said starting his car. "we can go to mine."I said."Address?"He said."12154 Evans street Apartment 154."I said putting on my seatbelt."Wait how do you live in an apartment and get into big clubs like that."He said keeping his eyes on the road."I'm a Designer and my place is getting repainted."I said looking at him."Why are you staring at me."He said smiling at me."You are interesting."I said."Well stop."He said moving my face."Fine oh stop this is it."I said pointing to the top apartment.We walked in and he pushed me on the couch he was kissing my neck until we heard his song Say So."Oh so you know my songs huh."He said laughing at the part I left off on."Yes and they are amazing."I said sitting on his lap.We were making out until he asked me where my bedroom was."First door on the right.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to light snoring and to arms around me I turned around to find gerald.I tried to get up and and do personal things and maybe make breakfast but he had other plans."G wake up."I said trying to move his arms."Why," He said in a very hot morning voice."I have to pee."I said trying to move his arms again."No, you don't."He said making his grip tighter."If you don't let go In going to release right here on you."

I said Turning around and wrapping my legs around him."Go pee you, weirdo.When I back came he was still in the bed expect he was awake and sitting up."What are we doing having a lazy day."I said getting in the bed sitting next him."Yeah, Want to?"He said moving me close to me."Sure Netflix or Hulu."I said getting the remote and his shirt so I put it over my underwear." you look hot in my shirt."He said smirking."We can watch Hulu or Netflix."I said."Um, Hulu."He said smiling."Wanna watch Mockingjay part one."I said."Nah Ninja Turtles."He said cuddling me more."Fine."I said playing the movie.

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