Chapter 7

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I walked Gerald and he asked me how much did it cost to this."About fourteen thousand dollars but it was out of my pockets."I said quickly."How much does she owe you?"He asked looking at getting his wallet."Nothing She smiled and that's all that was payment enough."I said walking downstairs and out the house."Babe wait up please."He said walking behind me.

"No, I want to be left alone."I said walking faster." why are you mad."He said grabbing my arm."Because."I said ripping my arm out of his hand.I walked to a little park closer to the house and felt sick.But not a normal sick but a sick like I'm going to puke and I did.I puked on the bench.I walked a little farther to a corner store and bought a pregnancy test.And Called Gerald but I didn't make to the phone in time before it all went black

Gerald's P.O.V
"Gerald where did lyrica go I wanna ask her if we could hang out so I can get to know her."My mom asked."I upset her and she left for a while."I said sitting down."What did you do?" she asked sitting down."I asked how much did it cost and how much do I owe her."I said putting my head in my hands."Gerald why would you ask things like that."She said hitting my head.

"I don't know."I said holding my head."Well, you better fix this right Gerald I know you guys love each other." she said walking away.It has been four hours where is she.I haven't moved from this spot on the couch for a while waiting for her to walk through the door.I looked down at my phone for the time and a had an incoming number but it was no one I knew."Hello."I said answering the phone."Hi, Mrs.Gillum we have Ms.Olsson here he had a heat stroke by the corner store."She said calmly."And she is three weeks pregnant."She said.

"I'm coming."I said hanging up."Mom I going to the hospital to get lyrica."I said walking out the door."Wait is she okay what's wrong." she asked walking down the steps behind me with James following her."Yeah, she had a heat stroke and she is three weeks pregnant."I said getting in my car."We'll stay and fix some things up for her okay." she said waving me off.

Time Skip
I walked into the hospital and asked for her room number."Hey, babe."I said walking in."Hi." she said putting back her dress and shoes."Did you know you were pregnant?"I asked sitting down on the bed."Not until today."She said getting her bag and walking over to me."What's in the bag?"I said looking at her."Water Pregnancy test and some chips oh yeah and some skittles."She said looking in the bag."That's all."I said looking at her."Come on I already sign you out."I said walking with her hand in my hand.

DiD YoU MiSs ME PrObAbLy DiDn'T Oh WeLl I'm BaCk I UpDaTe WeEkLy NoW sO YaY I'll PoSt A sChEdUlE ToDaY oR tOmOrRoW.ByE NoW

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