Chapter 9

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Three Months Later

G-eazy P.O.V
I watched as they speared the gel on her stomach and she flinched because it was cold."Congrats Mrs.Gillum and Mr.Gillum."She said as Babies popped up on the screen."How many."I said as Lyrica Cried for joy."Two boys."She said pointing to the babies and their private parts."Oh god."I said taking off my jacket."Need some water."Lyrica said handing me and bottle of water."Would you guys like pictures."Yes."Lyrica said while I searched for air.

"Aren't you excited."She said rubbing her stomach."Uhh."I said looking at her"Small" Stomach."Not sure."I said fanning myself."What why."She said as I stood up and wiped her stomach off her and pulled down her shirt."Babe, you are sweat bullets."She said wiping my forehead."Yeah, it's just hot."I said opening the door."Here are you pictures."She said handing us our pictures."Thank You."Lryica said getting off the table with my help."Food?"I asked once we out of the office."Sure where."She said in the car."Somewhere with a Drive Thru."I said pulling out the parking lot."Burger King."She said fixing her rings."Ok."I said.

Time Skip

"What do you want?"I asked."Um, Fries Chicken nugget and Burger with extra pickles and vanilla Shake."She said picking at her rings."Two nuggets two fries and four burgers two extra pickles and one Vanilla one Chocolate Shake."I said."Ok, sir pull up ti pay for your order."She said and I pulled up."$22.30 sir and here are your drinks si-Omg G-Eazy is in our drive thru can I get a picture."She said handing me our shakes."Babe, do you mind?"I said and realized she was sleep."Sure why not."I said getting out my car and standing next to the window."Smile."I said as She kissed my cheek."Is it true you got your girlfriend pregnant?"She asked and I got back in the car and drove up to get our food.

Time Skip

"Babe wake up,"I said."I'm up."She said getting out the car only to be attacked my the Paps."Miss ann Miss ann!"They screamed as I got into the house."How many months are you?"They asked."Call the cops."I said letting down the blinds. "They are on there way."She said hunging up."Gerald What's going on?"My mom said with fear in her eyes."Papazzi."I said as fans joined the commotion."Gerald."Lryica said breathing hard."Babe."I yelled running over to here.

"Contractions."She said as tears flew down her."It's to early for that."I said rubbing her stomach."It's stress."My mom said sitting next to us."Let's get her to a bathtub."I said picking her up."Ok here."I said adding more water."They stopped."She said smiling."G-eazy G-eazy."The Fans chanted.I looked out the window and saw about a hurderd girls waving they phones back and forth.

"Look there he is."A girl yelled."Go home I need to tend to my pregnant girlfriend."I yelled."What is she having?"They asked in unison."Twin Boys."I yelled smiling."Congrats."Some of them said the other cried and some fainted."Babe Let's go to bed we have and flight in the morning."She said walking into the bedroom."Ok."I said closing the window and taking off my shirt and going to bed.

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