Chapter 1 - The Lost Astronaut

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It was a long day at college. But finally it was over. Yes I was one of those people who just walked the halls with my head down, trying not to bring attention to myself. But I still have a couple friends. Like Chris and PJ! They're the people I trust more than anything. And yeah I've been bullied for most of my life, which is something I'm not proud of. I've suffered from depression and anxiety for about 5 years but these last couple it just got worse and worse.

You're pathetic Dan. Get over yourself. No one will ever like who you are. You're nothing. To no one

"Shut up!" I mumble to myself while placing my hands to my head. Trying to get those voices from my mind. The only way I could get my mind of things was when I return home. Climb into bed and turn on my laptop. Most of the time on YouTube.

Today was different. As I was looking through all the searching options. I can across a boy. Slightly older than me. He had long hair and what seemed to be bright blue eyes. The title 'Phil's Video Blog - 27th March 2006'
As I clicked on the video I could hear his Northern accent
'Hi I'm Phil and welcome to my video blog. Which I hope you're all excited to be apart of'
I chuckled to myself. Looking at the young lad on my screen. This Phil character doesn't seem to bad.
That's when I hit subscribe. That's when my life changed.


A couple days passed and I started talking to this AmazingPhil guy.
When I say talking. I means stalking.
But he seems like a pretty nice guy. I'd love to meet him one day!

So it's Friday morning. Thank god the week is nearly over! I walk into college, my head hanging low when I accidentally bump into someone. I look up to see a tall buff figure. It was Elliot.

Shit now you've done it! You've fucked-didily-uped this time Dan. You fucking idiot. Just do us a favour and leave.

With having my phone in my hand Elliot saw it to his advantage. He snatched the phone from my bony fingers and looked through my messages. He laughed to himself "Who is this AmazingPhil guy?" He laughed. Reading through everything. I reach up. Attempting to take my phone back but he lifted it higher. Making it harder for me to grasp. He burst out laughing "I assume you've made this 'Phil' guy up just so you look like you have more friend. How pathetic!" He throws my phone down to the floor and I run to grab it. Looking at the screen. Phew. It's not cracked or broken, just a small scratch. No big deal.

During the day I get a lot of strange looks. I do anyway but today is different. People are pointing and laughing at me. Keeping whispers between them and their friends. Someone has said something. Most likely Elliot. What a Cu...bitch!

Dan why do you even try to make people like you?

All they're going to do is take advantage of you.

I bet PJ and Chris are only friends with you for sympathy.

You're pathetic.

You're a worthless piece of utter shit.

Why do you even exist?!

I stop in the middle of the hallway. Thinking about all these things that are coming to mind. Are they true? Are Chris and PJ really only friends with me for sympathy? Are they really only taking advantage of me? Am I really a piece of shit?

People look at me and stare. Thinking why I'm just stood there. In the middle of the corridor. Getting in everyone's way. I feel a tap on my shoulder that brings me back from my daydream, more like a day nightmare , if that is such a thing I have no idea. But if it is. My life is filled with them.

I quickly spin around to be greeted by PJ. I look into his eyes and smile from ear-to-ear. I could really use a friend right now.


Hello. Yep. So this is my first ever phanfiction. I'm not used to writing so much but I've always wanted to do it but never had the confidence. I hope you enjoy this. I know it's short but I still hope you like it!

<3 thank you

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