Chapter 11 - Going to another Universe

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To celebrate our engagement Phil decided he wanted to take me on holiday. Which I found really sweet of him. Only for a week or so. He's been planning this for months. Phil's been filming extra videos so they were still coming out while we where away, keeping the phandom. Who still have no idea that we're together until the engagement video goes live. Which I'm still really nervous about.


The day has come. The day that the engagement video goes live.

Phil presses the button 'Upload' this is it. We curl up together on the sofa as we watch the bar fill up. Not long after saying 'Live' "there's no going back now" Phil says. Holding my hand tightly in his. I look into his eyes and smile. Feeling the nerves hit my stomach. Hard.

Suddenly mine and Phil's Twitter, YouTube, tumblr and Instagram go CRAZY. So much support for us. People going crazy, I giggle as I kiss Phil's cheek. "I love you Philip Michael Lester" I smile "I love you too Daniel James , soon to be Lester, Howell" I nuzzle into his neck with a giggle


A couple days later Phil wakes me 5am. I groan and roll over. Facing away. Phil shakes me violently "DAN WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING ON HOLIDAY!" I slowly sit up and stretch out. Still having no idea where we're going. Phil won't tell me until we get there. I have to wear a fucking blindfold and have music playing until we arrive. All I know it's a long flight.

We get dressed and grab our luggage and hop into the taxi. Which takes us to the airport. We arrive and Phil pays the taxi driver before it pulls away. We check into the airport with minutes to go through security and onto the plane. Me stilling not having a single clue what's going on or where we're going. We run onto the plane just in time "thank god!" Phil smiles, taking my hand as we walk to first class "you bought first class tickets?" I say a little surprised as we sit down. "I've never had so much let room on a plane. Or any form of transport" I smile as I look around. Seeing that it is just me and him. All alone in first class.

The flight is long but me and Phil keep ourselves occupied with playing games and watching Disney films together. Which I love to do with him anyway.

We slowly start to land as the wheels hit the runway. The doors open. Me and Phil depart from the plane in a separate place from anyone else. Our hands holding onto each other tightly. We grab our luggage which wasn't as long as I thought it was going to take as we step outside into the hot air. "Okay. Will you tell me where we are now?" I look over at Phil. Phil smiling "Daniel. Welcome to HOLLYWOOD!" I smile widely and kiss his cheek. Getting a couple strange looks from people passing by, and one little awe from a young girl.


We make our way to the hotel which is where we will be staying for the next week or so depending if Phil wants to stay longer. I'm not fussed as long as I'm with him and he's happy.

I open the door to see a huge walk through suite. First walking into the living room which the small kitchen / bar area is attached too. Then walking through into the dining room. Then the bedroom which has its own bathroom with a shower and a huge jacuzzi type bath, through a set of doors into a office area with its own computer and set up. Then back into the living room.

I smile as I jump onto Phil. Phil catching me mid air. My legs around his waist. My hands around his neck. "Phil, thank you so much. I love you" I kiss him softly. He blushes. Even after being together for so long. He still blushes at everything we do together. We've only just started showering together. It was suggested by a friend to strengthen the relationship. And if I'm honest. It works.

We kiss. Phil taking us to the room. Not breaking that kiss for one moment. He throws me onto the double bed. Climbing over me and passionately kissing again. He pins my hands above my head with one hand and uses the other to lift up my shirt. I smile taking my shirt off and throwing it across the room. Phil pinning me down again. Kissing me, then my jaw, my neck which he finds my sweets pot as I let out a soft quiet moan, kissing my shoulder blades, then down my chest. Till he reaches my belly button. He looks up at me and smirks as he starts to unbutton my jeans. Taking down the zip.

My jeans at my knees Phil stands up. About to take off his shirt when there's a knock at the door. I groan and roll my eyes. Standing up and pulling up my jeans. Phil answering the door. I walk up behind him putting on my shirt as I do. The maid at the door blushed with a tray which has some Champaign and cakes placed upon it. I look at her confused. "Erm we didn't order this..." She smiles "it's from room 73" I raise an eyebrow and look at her. Taking the tray and placing it down "who's in room 73?" I ask. Wanting to know. "A mister Kjellberg" I smile. Knowing straight away its Felix and Mariza. They should of told us they where here.

I smile and close the door and pop open the Champaign "hey wait a minute. Should we invite Felix and Mariza up? For a thank you and for a hello. We haven't seen them in a while" Phil nods "what room was it again?" He asks as I open the door "73 I'll be back in a Second" I kiss his cheek as I walk out of the door closing it behind me. I run up to room 73 and knock on the door. It opens to the beautiful Marzia, I always forget how pretty she really is "Dan!!" She says. In a her adorable Italian accent. Bringing me into a hug. Felix walks to the door and sees me. We bro hug. "Thanks for the Champaign guys! Me and Phil would like to ask you round for a glass?" They nod and grab their things. As I lead them down to mine and Phil's room.

I knock on the door as Phil opens it. Felix and Marzia only recently finding out about us from the video. I walk in and grab the bottle of Champaign, everyone grabbing a glass. I start pouring it into each glass and my own "to a happy and healthy relationship" Phil says. Holding my hand and his drink in the air. We clink our glasses together and take a sip.

We spend the rest of the day in our huge room, sitting in the living room playing video games and watching films. Felix making a video for his channel with us a guests. It starts to get late. Felix and Marzia decide to go back to their hotel room as Phil fell asleep a while ago. As they leave I lock the door behind them and look over at him. I gently pick him up. Him groaning as I carry him over to the bed. I place him down, kissing his forehead seeing a slight smile on his face. I lay beside him. Holding him close to me as we sleep.

Are you happy?




I hope you liked the chapter. I'm sorry I didn't upload yesterday. College was stressing me.

I hate college so much. It's horrible and it makes me want to just drop it.


Thank you <3

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