Chapter 5 - The Fixing of the Broken World

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I wake up. Laying on him. Maybe the love of my life. Phil. I know that I'm...different. I know. I know that I am someone who is attracted to both males and female. The majority of the time females but that all changed till Phil came into my life all those months ago. Maybe even a year.

He'll never like you. You're not what he's into, you're a guy!

He likes girls.

He has a girlfriend!

You're pathetic.

I hide my face into his chest. Waking him up slightly. I look up to see his eyes slowly opening "Sorry I woke you. I didn't mean it" he smiles and pats my head "It's alright." His voice. Oh my god save me! His croaky, beautiful voice.

We connect eyes for a moment. I feel my cheeks burning up as I blush. Could this be the moment. I move closer to him. Our eyes still connected.

Suddenly his phone buzzes. Me feeling extremely embarrassed and move my head to his neck. Acting like he was going there in the first place.

He picks up the phone. "Hello?" He asks.
I hear a little yelling down the phone and look at him slightly worried. Who is it I wonder.

"Well being with you was a mistake in the first place! That's it! We're through" and with that, he hung up and slammed his phone down onto the bed.

I see his eyes slightly tearing up. I worry "Is everything okay?" I ask. Wiping a tear from rolling down his soft cheek. He sighs and shakes his head "I just broke up with Laura" I open my eyes from shock and hug him tightly. Nuzzling my face into his neck. "It's okay Phil, I'm here for you. And I always will be, remember that... I love you" I instantly regret saying those three words. He smiles "Love you too bro" he took it a completely different way to what I was intending him to! What! Oh god I'm such a fool.


It's mid afternoon. The doctor walks in "Dan, I have some good news. And some bad news. What would you like to hear first?"

"Bad. I want to get it out the way" I sit up from my bed. With Phil being on the chair next to me I look at him. A little scared.

The doctor clears his throat. "Well as you have been here a while now, and we have done many tests and therapy sessions with you. I am so sorry to say that you have been diagnosed with...
Mild schizophrenia" I look at Phil. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!

It's me. That's what.

It's my fault you're been diagnosed.

I am your schizophrenia.

"So what the fuck is the good news?! And it better be good! And not some shitty comment like 'lasagne is for supper tonight' I'm done with that shit!" I shout in frustration.

Phil grabs my hand and strokes it. Trying to calm me down. I look up at Phil and back at the doctor. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me..."
The doctor doesn't seem to mind. He must get this all the time "the good news is that you are free to go home this evening. I have already spoken to your friend Phil here about the arrangements. As your parents are away and will be for a long period of time now Phil has agreed to allow you to stay at his apartment until you make a full recovery" the doctor smiles and leaves the room after telling us the news.

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