Chapter 3 - The Burning Heart of a Fallen Star.

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It's been 6 months and me and Phil have become so close now. He's actually moved local. Meaning I can see him everyday. He goes to my college now. Which makes me feel so happy that I have someone else to talk to. Don't get me wrong I love Chris and PJ but the stories are always repeated. Nothing ever interesting happens with us. Meaning we don't have any interesting stories to tell.

However. Phil is nothing like that. I never knew someone who knew so much about animals. He still makes YouTube videos and I still watch. He's trying to get me into them. Thinking I would do so well. But I decline. I don't think it's my sort of thing. I get nervous around a few people I know. Let alone thousands I don't. That's if I ever get that many views. It's highly unlikely.


It's Monday morning. Yay. Can you hear the sarcasm right now?

I usually meet up with Phil before going into college but today was different. He text me saying he couldn't meet.

Dan he hates you.

He's abandoned you.

He's made new and better friends.

I shake my head and just walk into college. Looking down at my time table. 'DAMN English' I sigh and head to English. This being my worst lesson and I know NO ONE in there. Everyone is friends and I sit at the back. Usually with my headphones in listening to music while writing some weird ass stuff. Today I wrote a weird story. A love story. With a twist.

'The first time I saw him, I was twelve. I saw him from across the playground but he was a whole year older than me so there was no way he'd talk to me, little old me with my dorky glasses and sticky up hair that somehow seemed to defy gravity. I knew I wanted to be friends with him. Of course back then I was too young to realise I wanted to be more than friends.

The first time I worked up the courage to talk to Him, I was fourteen and I'd been crushing on him for two years. He was so pretty, his blue eyes were the exact shade of lake Tahoe from the 8th Grade trip to California. I remember that trip well, it was the week he dyed his hair and it turned out blue but he still looked perfect.

The first time I hugged Him, I was fifteen and we were on another school trip, this time it was to The Golden Gate bridge, I always did love class trips as it was the only time I got to see Him who was in 10th Grade. I gave him the last of my coke when he was thirsty and he hugged me, to him it was just a friendly gesture but to me it was everything I had wanted since I was twelve years old.

The first time I told Him I loved him, I was seventeen. We were hanging out at my house as we so often did and he looked so perfect sat on my floor with his blue hair over his face, smiling slightly at the book he was reading. He seemed shocked when I said it so didn't mention it again.

The first time I kissed Him, I was eighteen and in that moment my life changed forever. It was the most beautiful moment of my eighteen years of life, I swear to god there were fireworks and a full orchestra playing. In that moment I knew that this was the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

The first time I told Him he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I was twenty one and I had just proposed to him. I will never forget the look on his face when he agreed to marry me. And I will never forget the feeling of knowing that I, little Dani from the playground will be married to Him, the guy of my dreams.

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