Chapter 10 - The Gravitational Pull

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I see the look of loss in Phil's eyes as he runs off in an emotional wreck. I stand up. Niamh looking at me "where are you going Dan?" She smirks "I'm going to see if Phil is alright?" She laughs "is he your boyfriend or something! You care more about him that your guests!" She laughs harder.

"You know fucking what Niamh? Yes! Yes he is my boyfriend! And I don't give a single FUCKING SHIT what you and your fucking twat of a brother thing about it! I don't care if I get bullied or beaten up! Because you know what? You know fucking what?! I'M IN LOVE WITH PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER! And nothing. Nothing on this planet. In the universe even. Will change my fucking mind. Especially some evil cu...bitch like you. Now. Get the FUCK out of our house!" I grab Niamh by the arm and take her to the door and throw her out "and I stay the fuck out. You hear me?! THE FUCK OUT!" I shout as I slam the door in her face. Sliding down the door till I reach the floor. I curl up into a ball. Hugging my knees.

I feel a hand on my shoulder as I look up. Seeing Phil. I stand up as he brings me into a tight embrace not letting go. "No one has ever stood up to me like that before Dan" he moves my hair from my face with his soft hands "I love you Phil" I take his hand from my face and kiss it. He blushes "I love you too Dan"


(Huge huge leap forward now!!! And I'm sorry!!!!! I'm not creative so I didn't know what to write. It's now the present day. So Dan and Phil are huge and have been on tour, released the book and app and PINOF 7 )

It's been so many years now. Only our family and a few friends know that me and Phil are still together. We like the idea that the fans think we are together though as we like looking at all the #phanproof things that people find. It's quite funny to be honest.

Since the day I stood up for Phil our relationship got stronger. Yeah I got beat up a little at college. Made fun of and shit but I could come home to a loving boyfriend that would take care of my scars and bruises.

We've just finished the tour/book signing. And PhilIsNotOnFire 7 was released 2 days ago. It's so cute seeing all the phandom wearing their little whiskers. I've seen people do it for years but I would of never of thought this many people would be apart of the Phamily now. I love it. And it wouldn't of happened without Phil.


It's Valentines Day and I have something very special planned. Me and Phil are going out. Doing a 'Day in the Life' video but we're releasing it after Valentine's Day so no one gets suspicious too early.

We're going to go to a very fancy restaurant and then going around the markets to look at some things.

After finishing our amazing meal Phil's vloging everything. As I'm trying so hard to restrain the temptation to kiss him. It is Valentine's Day and all. That's what's you're suppose to do.

Phil's been acting strangely all day. I wonder if he's embarrassed to say we're in a relationship. Yeah we want to come out one day but we're still not sure.


It's the end of a long day. Me and Phil are strolling in the park as Phil walks ahead. Placing the camera down on a bench. Running back over to me. I look at him confused. Maybe ever a little worried.

I holds both my hands in his as he reaches up to kiss me "Dan. You know how much I love you. And you know I hate being apart from you. Ever since I met you my life has become so much more. So amazing. You've made me so happy and I wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't have so many people supporting my journey. So many people watching me make a fool of myself. Or even anyone to share my annoying stories too." I blush

"Well what I'm trying to say is" I look at him as he gets down on one knee. A tear instantly rolling down my cheek

"Daniel James Howell. Will you Marry Me?" He opens a small box. With a beautiful crystal ring inside.

I look into his eyes and nod. Phil stands up and slides the ring onto my finger. Which still has the promise ring on from so long ago. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly.

My life has changed

So today is the day (December 1st 2015)  that I'm so happy to say that I FINALLY after 4 1/2 years I came out as bisexual to my mum. I'm surprised she never knew. But she was so supportive.


Thank you<3

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