Chapter 14 - Missing Home Planet

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A couple hours go by. Everyone in the living room having a jolly good time. While I'm sat, laying in bed, curled up. Missing My Phil. The Phil I met, and engaged to marry. The Phil I was on holiday with in Hollywood. My Phil.

I hear the bedroom door open. I look down at my feet and see PJ, the only one that's actually cared about me is the person I've least talks to. He sits by me on the bed. Seeing the tears in my eyes. He strokes my hair and looks at me "Chris told me everything. How you woke up yesterday, how you knew Phil. How can I know you're not just a stalker. Tell me a secret only me and Phil should know" I sigh and sit up. Whispering him the secret (which you will never know because it's Phil's secret. Lolz)

PJ looks at me in shock that I actually knew. He holds my hand tightly. Knowing that it must be the truth. I suddenly burst into tears at the realization that I'll never see My Phil again. I cry into the pillow, muffling the noise. PJ strokes my hair. Calming me down slowly but surely it happens. Slowly helping me rest. Eventually falling asleep.


I wake up to Mine and Phil's room. OUR HOLLYWOOD ROOM. I jump up from the bed, fully dressed as I run down to the kitchen. Seeing Phil cooking breakfast. I run to him wrapping my arms around him tightly, softly crying into his shoulder. He worries as he quickly turns around "Dan? What's wrong?" Wrapping his arms around me. Pulling me into a tight embrace.

I hug him back tightly. Not wanting to let go "I had the worse nightmare" he moves my hair from my face behind my ear "what happened?" I look at him and sniffle. "It was 2009 again. You never knew me, I went to find you and neither you or PJ knew who I was. Yeah we kinda made out but we were drunk and it wasn't the same. You weren't MY Phil. You were just Phil" I place my head on his shoulder. Crying slightly. He cups the back of my head, playing with my hair. "I would never forget you Dan, you're my best friend, my lover, my soon to be husband" I smile and pull away from his shoulder as he places a small peck on my cheek. "I'm such a softy, I'm sorry Phil" he chucked. "I like the soft side of you. It shows me that you're the little kitten I fell in love with" I blush softly

Phil picks my up and places me on the kitchen counter, him stood between my legs "you love being dominant don't you Philly?" He moves closer to me. Biting my bottom lip "of course I do. I am older. I'm the man in this relationship" I slap his arm gently and kiss him softly.

I look into his crystal blue eyes, smiling like a fucking idiot "it all felt so real. I thought I lost you. My Philly, my lion, my fiancé" he smiles before kissing me again, stroking my cheek as I lean into his hand "I'd never forget you Dan, you'll never loose me, my Danny, my bear, MY fiancé"

I smile before looking over to what was going to be breakfast before chuckling "I think you might want to start again. The bacon and shrivelled into a black ball of nothing. Kinda like me" I chuckle before turning off the heat. He nudges me before throwing the bacon in the bin and making some more.


I hear a knock on the door as I open it to Felix and Marzia. I smile and let them in. We planned to go out of the day before they fly back home to England.

We go out for the day. A double date basically. I go in and out of daze. Thinking about that dream. It's been so long since the fantastic foursome get together. Nearly 2 years. Thinking back at all the times we had together. The way Chris treated me, my old best friend. Phil clicks me out of my daze as I look at him. He seems worried "Dan are you okay?" He holds my hand "thinking about the dream again?" He kisses my knuckles. I look up at him and nod "maybe we know...see Chris and PJ when we get back?" Phil seems slightly shocked "even after what he said to you Dan?" I nod "I miss him Phil. Especially after my dream"

The day goes by. We have a great time. We head back to our hotel room as I grab my phone. I see that I still have Chris's number in my phone. I decide that I should ring him.

The phone picks up. "Hello? Who is this?"   

"It's me...Dan..." The line goes silent

"Dan? Why are you ringing me. It's 5am" shit I completely forgot about the time difference

"Sorry Chris. I'm in America and I completely forgot about time. I was just ringing to ask if you maybe wanted to meet up one day when me and Phil come home?" Having nervous tone in my voice.

"Erm...sure. We could get the fantastic foursome back together again" he chuckles. I smile at his chuckle.

I finish the call not long after. Phil has gone out to get some food. I get a text from him

From Phil:
Dan I have a crush on you.

From Dan:
...Are you MALTEASING me?

From Phil:
No Dan I mean it.

From Dan:
Stop playing TWIX on me.

From Phil:

From Dan:
If we were to and it didn't work I wouldn't want us to DRIFT APART.

From Phil:
Okay fine have it your way. If I were to take you on a date we'd ride a DOUBLE DECKER to the park where we'd have a PICNIC. If I could I'd go on an AEROplane with you through the GALAXY to MARS. I'm not LION.

From Dan:
Well if you want to have your MILKY WAY with me you'll have to try harder than that.

I chuckle at how cheesy our text messages are to each other as I put my phone away.

I fall asleep. On our bed. Softly. Without a care in the world.


I am shaken awake. I look up at see Chris. The young Chris. Back from 2009. I sigh. Knowing where I am. Back in that shitty hotel in Manchester. Before me and Phil got engaged "Dan we need to go! Now! It's of the upmost urgently!!" He shouts. Pulling me from the bed. Thankfully I went to sleep fully dressed. I quickly put my shoes on. While leaving a see that the hotel is a mess. Window's smashed, tv on the floor, the kitchen destroyed. Like there's been a break in or something. I quickly glance around before being pulled into a back of a taxi. Having no clue what is happening.

We arrive. The hospital...what's going on? Why are we here? Did something bad happen while I was sleeping?!

I follow Chris. Who is speed walking. More like running to me. To a specific hotel room. We walk in. To see a wearing PJ sat over a bed. I walk over to see Phil, laying in the bed. Just seeing him laying there makes my heart sink, my breathing getting heavier and faster, my eyes tearing up. Oh great. Here comes another panic attack. I fall to the floor in a mess, curled up in a ball, crying into my knees.


What happened to you?

Nothing really to say. Just that writing 2 fan fictions at once is hard!!!


Thank you <3

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