Chapter 8 - The Galactic Kiss

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After Phil wears the ring, and after our little make out session that I won't go into because it got kinky. I sit up and kiss his bare chest, stretching my body out. My clothes hanging on the wrack over the fireplace keeping them warm. Phil smirks and spanks my butt "that was good Curly" he winks as I blush. Putting my clothes back on "now put your clothes back on we got to go to your mums house for the meal" I grab Phil's hand and pull him up. I walk to the bathroom fixing my hair as Phil changes.


We arrive at Phil's parents house. They have really taken me in. They really are my family now. I help out with a little cooking, cutting up vegetables and mashing the potatoes because you know. I'm so strong.

We have our meal, which was delicious. Phil's mum has always been great at cooking. Wonder why Phil is so bad.
We sit by the tree and start opening presents. Phil's mum hands me somethings "oh you shouldn't have really!" He smiles "you're a part of the family now Dan" I smile as I carefully open the present. Being careful not to rip the paper. On top of the box are two tickets to Muse. I smile wide and look at the gift underneath...what? Why is everyone treating me so well... A fucking Xbox 360. "THANK YOU!!" I hug her and Phil's dad tightly as a thank you. I sit back on the sofa by Phil, laying my legs on him as we cuddle up slightly. Watching 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

I sing along to every song. Not even giving a shit. Then looking up at Phil "Phil?" I look at him with bright eyes "Yes Curly?" He says. Looking into my eyes "Thank you for the best Christmas of my life" we kiss softly as the family awes. I blush as I rest my head on Phil's chest.

Phil's brother, Martyn. Jumps from his chair "PARTY GAME TIME!!!!" Making me and Phil jump from surprise. "What game shall we play?" Phil asks. Martyn grabs a bottle from the table "sit on the floor guys!" He shouts. Me, Phil, Martyn, Phil's mum, and Martyn's girlfriend sit on the floor.

"Okay the person who it lands on has to kiss the person to their right" he spins the bottle. It landing on Phil, his mum on his right. Phil chuckles and kisses his mums cheek sweetly. I smile.

Phil spins the bottle "The person it lands on has to remove an item of clothing" it lands on me. God damn it. I smirk and take off my sock "HA! It's an item of clothing. Get over it" Phil chuckle. I spin the bottle "the person it lands on has to do 7 shots of vodka" I spin it. Landing on me again "FUCK! This is going to hurt like a bitch" Martyn passes me a shot glass and the bottle of vodka. I swallow hard and take 2 shots "WHY DID I SAY 7?!" I continue until I reach 7, spilling some "whoopsie" I say, Slightly tipsy.

The night goes on. Me and Martyn getting so drunk that we start running round the freezing cold street in our underwear. Not even as a joke. Phil staying sober as he's the ride home.

Phil grabs me before I run off into the road "Dan come on you're acting stupid, and put some clothes on for god sake" I giggle "Phil you want to see these boxers on the floor. Not wanting to put more clothes on!" I laugh as Phil pulls me inside the house. Locking the door behind me. "Dan get dressed. We're going home!" I huff "what's got you in a bad mood?!" I exclaim "What's got me in a bad mood?! My first Christmas with the love of my life and you go off in the middle of the street nearly naked making a fool out of me and my family! That's why I'm in a fucking mood!" Woah. Phil just swore. It seems like a different language coming from his lips. It's so rare that he swears.

I now realise how much it has actually effected him. I grab my clothes and put them on. Taking a little longer than usual as I'm still slightly tipsy. I hold onto Phil for support as we wave goodbye to his family and get into the car. Phil putting me in the back seat. I curl up into a ball and start to sleep as Phil drives us home.

As we get home Phil takes me from the car and carries me to my room. My separate room. He places me onto the bed. Pulling the black sheets over me as I sleep. He then leaving to his own room and sleeping in there.


The next morning I wake up to an empty bed. I sit up quickly. Instantly regretting it. "Ah! Shit". Next day hangovers, I place my hand on my forehead as I lean back against the head bored. Looking at the time "it's 10am. Not bad for hungover Dan" I slowly get up from bed and walk to the kitchen. I see Phil. Fully dressed. "Morning Philly" I say with a smile. Phil ignoring me. That smile instantly goes. "Phil honey" he glares at me "shut up Dan" I look over to see the Promise ring on the kitchen counter. He took it off. He must really hate me. I walk back to my room and sit on the bed.

Dan you've fucked up

He hates you.

He'll never forgive you

You're a bitch


Waste of time and space.

Breathe your last breath Dan.

It'll be over soon

And with that I lay on my bed. Thinking about all the ways of ending it. Ending my life. Once and for all.

Die Dan.


Bit of a short chapter I know but I've been really busy with coursework.

Btw. Did you enjoy PINOF 7?! Because I was crying with laughter at it. I watched it for 3 hours straight and don't regret it. I still laugh my head off then the 'dildo' explodes.


Thank you <3

Falling in Love with a StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora