Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Niall's POV)

I wake up to the sight of Aubrey lying next to me, sleeping. She's laying on my arm with her head on my shoulder. She makes cute noises in her sleep. She's always done this. She'll whimper or sigh while she's asleep.

I smile, looking at her. She has a blanket wrapped around her and her long hair is a mess. Then the thought hit me, she's mine. I grab my phone and snap a quick photo.

I remove my arm from under her and place a pillow where her head is. I head downstairs, looking at the picture of her.

"Niall?" I hear my mum say. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Huh, what?" I turn off my phone and look up at her. "Oh, hi Mum."

She kisses my forehead. "Good morning. Is Aubrey still asleep?"


"Soooo, you want to tell me why you were smiling like that?"

"Oh, uh, it's nothing... Just a picture."

"Of a certain someone upstairs?" She winks.

I roll my eyes. "None of your business."

"Niall James!"

"Sorry, Mum."

"Okay, be good today. I'm going out and running errands. I'll see you later."

I nod. "We're babysitting Theo later, so we might not see you."

"Oh, Theo will love Aubrey."

"Who wouldn't?"

"That's a good question. She's just too sweet. You're very lucky, Niall. Don't let that one go too easy."

"I won't. Thanks Mum."

She leaves and I go upstairs to shower.

(Aubrey's POV)

When I wake up, I hear the shower running. I figure it must be Niall since he's not anywhere else in the house. I go downstairs and make myself a cup of tea.

I look around his house and see that nothing has really changed... The pictures are mostly the same, but there are some of Theo and some more of Greg and Niall. On the fridge, there's a picture of Niall and the boys.

Right next to it, is a picture of me, Niall, and our friend Darcy. I think we were around 7 at the time. Niall was climbing a tree in his backyard. I was already well up the tree, sitting on a very high branch, laughing at something Niall probably said. Darcy was much higher than me, her dark brown hair flying all over the place. I started to wonder where Darcy was now when my thoughts were interrupted by someone.

"Hey," Niall says.

"Hi," I smile. I point to the picture. "Do you have Darcy's number?"

He comes closer to look at the picture. "Darcy? From grade school?" I nod.

"It's been a long time since I talked to her. Let me check. I think I have her number around here somewhere," he mumbles, shuffling through papers. "We kind of drifted apart after you left. She started hanging out with other girls and I left for X-Factor..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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