ı 24 ı The Dinner Party

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Shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium

"CAROLINE!" I yell, walking through the forest where she told me to go.

I hear a branch snap from behind me causing me to freeze. A hand suddenly grabs my arm, turning me around. I ball my fist up and prepare to fight when suddenly I see a familiar blonde.

"Blair, it's me," Caroline says, my fear diminishing immediately.

"Has no one ever told you to not sneak up on a vampire?" I ask, letting out a sigh of relief.

"You were yelling my name loudly in the forest!" she exclaims.

"So what? It's empty, unless you count all the dead people in the cemetery," I say sarcastically.

"There are people in the tomb okay! Katherine is in there, and I heard someone else in there with her."

"Katherine is in the tomb?" I ask. I never found out where Damon had put her, not caring until now.

"Yes. Damon put her there, and then Elijah compelled her to stay there," Caroline explains.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I ask, rather disappointed.

"We knew how you felt about Katherine, and we wanted to protect you from doing anything stupid. Your anger makes you do things, and takes control," Caroline argues.

"Is there anything else you want to confess to me?" I ask, a little too harshly. I become defensive,  offended that they feel as though they have to keep things from me all the time.

Caroline crosses her arms, her brows raised as I realize I've just proven her point. My anger is the one thing I just can't seem to control.

"Sorry, you're right," I sigh. "So how did Bonnie's interrogation go with Elijah's witch?" I ask, sneakily changing the topic.

"Well, she found out that Klaus has the witches family member, Lukas's sister. Apparently she's been brain washed, but Elijah has promised to get her back," Caroline explains.

I nod and decide to tell her something. "Care, if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"Okay, I promise," she agrees.

"The sacrifice that Klaus had to make to break the curse involves Elena dying. She's the doppelgänger and therefore needs to have all her blood drained, thus dying," I say, feeling a weight lift off my chest. I have kept this secret away from my brothers, knowing they won't like the plan.

"What!!" Caroline yells. "How do you know this?"

"I heard it from Elijah," I explain. "It was her choice, and in return Elijah will protect the people she cares about."

"Elena's going to die?" Caroline whispers, still not processing the whole thing.

"Yes, but Klaus will be dead," I say.

"Blair, you have to kill Elijah. You have to," Caroline pleads.

I shake my head. "I can't Care, I trust him. Plus, he isn't our real problem - Klaus is."

"Don't you trust me?" she asks, her face showing sadness and fear.

"Of course I do, bu-"

She cuts me off, shoving me against a tree, a finger on her lips as she motions me to be quiet.

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