Sneezing Fame

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Word count: 1018

I can't believe this is happening! I got Nico to come to the campfire with me!

I smile as I'm lightly dragging my angel to the bright energetic crowd, " Will, stop pulling me. " He glares at me, his features highlighted by the tall fire. His eyes seemed to capture the flames, claiming them for his own use.

" ...Will!" A pale hand waves infront of my face. "Huh? "

" You're staring, " Nico scowls, dragging me towards the rest of the group.

" S-sorry! " Oh my gods that was sooo embarrassing!

" Come on, Solace! " Nico continuesly pulls on my arm, trying to pull my bigger form with him to our seats. As head councilor for the Apollo cabin, I have to sit with my cabin, but Nico sits next to me in complete disregard for the often ignored rule. His own seat is an isolated uncomfortable chair that is pretty far from the fire.

I can't help but growl when my eyes sweep across said chair; why in Hades can't he just sit with me? I mean, he does anyways, but...I groan; I'm gonna need to work on the whole over-protective thing.

" Hey, Nico!" Nico turns around, only to be attacked by a feather duster.

" Wha-what the?!" Nico stops before he sneezes, "Chew! " The whole camp goes silent before a few girls and some Aphrodite boys start " aww - " ing.

" I just wanted to see if shadows would come out of your nose, but this is too much! " The perpetrator, now known as Leo, was laughing his head off behind him.

" B-bye! " Nico jumps off the bench and runs out. I take a moment to process it before running to catch him.

" Nico! " When I catch him I am out of breath though he merrily rolled his eyes at me.

" What? " Nico's cheeks are bright red and he couldn't seem to look me in the eye.
" Why don't you come to lunch with me tomorrow? I'm sure Chiron will let us out of camp if it's just for a day, come on, please?" I'm desperate at this point: if I want to have any chance with this angel, I will have to give him a better time than this...


The next day at noon, Nico and I are in a restaurant just a few miles outside of the camp. We sit in a booth at the far side of the restaurant, our menus out and our drinks before us.

"So...You okay, di Angelo?" I ask the question hesitantly, fear of his wrath stubbornly fighting in my mind.

"I'm fine. Just a bit embarrassed." Nico moves his head away, trying to hide.

"M'kay?" I don't push- I know Nico's limits.

Our orders are placed and delivered in peace, something I am very grateful for.

"He Nico..uhh.." I fade out, no longer able to come up with a conversation.

"Yes, Solace? Or are you hoping I could come up with a comversation?"

"" I bush, embarrassed; how does he know me so well?

"Well I guess we can- Achoo!" Nico's face goes blank in an unguarded look of pure suprise.

"KAWAII!!!" A girls squeal from across the room breaks him out of his suprise blank.

"Oh my gods.." Nico's face goes bright red and his head whips down, his bangs instantly covers his face in shadows.

"H-Hey Neeks?"

"No nickname."

"Kay, Nico, you okay?" My voice is hesitant, but I attempt to hide my fear- I know he doesn't want to be feared.

"I'm fine, you really don't need to worry about me so much."

"I'm always going to.."

A few weeks later, Nico and I are walking to the lake when Leo runs up to us.

"Guys! Guys! The demiphone Calypso and I made has YouTube now, so I was looking through it, you know since the world need to see awesome me hangin' with the little people, and I found this video of Nico sneezing!" Nico goes pale but I can't help but become curious. When did someone take a video?

Leo shows us the phone and a picture of Nico and I appears on the screen: our date. The video starts;

"Well I guess we can- Achoo!" The video zoomed in on Nico's suprised- and frankly adorable -face before going back and replaying the sneeze over and over again.

"Oh my gods..." Nico's face contorts into a look of horror and embarrassment. I can't help it, I grab Nico's shirt and pull him into me. My lips crash into his in a rough kiss, and much to my joy, he kisses back. I can hear Leo say something along the lines of "keep your pants on..." then leaving.

Nico and I part a moment later, gasping for air. "T-that was are we...are we a couple now?" Nico's face is an adorable red, and his stutter, I can't help but find it totally kissable, so I do just that. Our lips connect once more, this time in a much gentler meeting.

"Hey Nico.."

"Yeah Will?"

"Love you.."

"Love you too"

The moment is ruined when Nico sneezes once more.

"I think I have a cold.."

"Come on Angel, you're dating the head medic, and although your sneezes are adorable, we need to get you some medicine already"


So, due to some bumps in my schedule this is two days late, more like 3 weeks late, heh...oops. But anyways, my good friend so graciously offered her help and decided to right this for me, that way I could clear everything out for awhile. The story itself is and round 800-830 words or so, 3 sheets of lined paper. I've got another book up, it's just some ideas I failed to complete and stories I haven't finished, feel free to finish or take the ideas~

Anyways, yeah, this itself long so itself going to go now...I also my start a book of my drawings, I'm not sure. It's a very large ify somebody mentioned once to me.

Anyways (again) Bye!!

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