Sitter Status

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Word count: 986
Edited: A little

I groan quietly as I roll out of my warm bed and onto the cold floor. Sure, a dramatic approach, but definitely needed.

I lye there for a few moments contemplating today's activities.

In a groggy haze I somehow managed to dress myself in nice casual clothing.
Mother said this was important to her, so I need to make an effort.

Apparently, this is her boss's kid.
And my mother wants to make a great impression.
Said something about advantages later on.

With a small shake of the head I clear my thoughts and head to the kitchen.
Today is Sunday.
Mother is bound to be making breakfast.

I fly down the stairs.
Breakfast sounds so great right now.

Eggs, maybe some bacon, some orange juice.
That's just what I need to get the day started.
Especially if this kid is too much...

No answer.

I walk into the kitchen.
No eggs.
No bacon.
No juice.
No mom.

Just a note.

"Dear Will,

I had to leave early for work, there's a meeting and 10 and I'm supposed to pick up food for everyone. You know where the cereal is.

Love you,

A lovely, healthy way to start the day..

I sigh quietly and walk over to the cabinets, staring at them with a burning anticipation.

When was the last time I had cereal?
What type of cereal is even in here?
What if the milk is bad?

You know what?
I don't even like cereal.

I'll just pick up something on the way.

With a small sigh I walk over to the front door, slip on some black vans, grab my keys and head out.

Time skip because I'm a lazy author who hasn't updated in forever

"This should be it."
I pull up to 666 Satanic street.

"Expensive looking car, check. Expensive house, mega check."

I haul myself out of my car and walk up the perfectly clean driveway, glancing around the yard.

The grass was a healthy green, it almost looked fake considering it's perfectly even. The house seems to be about three stories, maybe four if you count a basement.
It's made out of solid red brick, but it isn't rusty or eroded. It looks brand new.
As well as the door, which is a nice wooden door, holding a maroon color. But the glass in it, wow. It looks like it can hold a miniature church inside!

"Stop being a tourist."
I scold myself before taking a breath.
"Here we go.."
I knock on the door.

I wait in an awkward anticipation.
What if this kids a total brat?
What if I screw everything up?
What if- the kid is my age..?

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