I See You

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Word count: 634

Where in my father's name is Will..? I've been searching for him all day! I've probably scared half of the campers just by being outside of my cabin..

Ugh! Focus, Nico!

I've checked the infirmary, the big house, the strawberry fields, and just about everywhere else. I asked his siblings to check their cabin for me, I don't know if Will really wants me over there ruining his image..Anyways, they said he wasn't there.

I must have checked this place a thousand times by now! Where is he?! What if he's in trouble..? Oh gods, what if he's dead?!?

Nico he isn't dead stupid. You would have known if he was.


Would he honestly be that mad if I looked in his cabin..? He doesn't really seem like the type to do that...

With a shrug I start walking to his cabin. Okay, maybe not walking, more like a really slow jog...or sprint..

Real smooth Nico..

I take a few moments to catch my breath. What if he isn't in here..? What if he left camp? Gods! The one person I actually like decides to follow my terrible example...

Once I'm breathing normally, or as normally as I can, I knock softly. There's slight sniffling and shuffling behind the door, so I decided to open it.

"Hello..?" I peak my head in slowly. Maybe it was one of his siblings..?

Where is everbody?

I push open the door enough for me to slip through. The door shuts with a small soft click.

"Will..?" I call out, worry lacing my words. He probably isn't here, his siblings already checked.
A hiccup goes off.

I walk around the room, and stop right in front of his bed. There he is..He looks so..so broken.


That's seems to be the only thing I can say really. I sit next to his shaking body, not caring about my usual boundaries.

He looks up, his cheeks are dusted in red as well as his nose. His eyes are slightly puffy, but he still looks beautiful.

A hiccup escapes his trembling lips."Y-you can s-see me..?"

I nod. I don't know what I was expecting really, but he wrapped his arms around my and cried on my shoulder.

Alright, I'll admit, I'm a bit awkward with this area..

A bit?

Okay okay, a lot. But it's Will, he's worth it.

"I'm here, Will.." A murmur into his hair. Probably a bad time to mention it smells really nice...

You think..?

"Do you...do you want to talk about it..?"

Gods this is so strange, I don't know what I'm doing..

He nods, still clutching onto me.

"I-I was here. The whole time. I-I had the day off, and-and I, I tried so hard...nobody saw me, Nico...my siblings walked right by...they didn't see me...memories started clawing their way in and-and.."

He starts to break down again, and I honestly don't know what to do.

Comfort him you bloody jerk!

Um, um...maybe..?

I start to rub small circles on his back, like my mother used to do for me. He calms down slightly.

"Please...don't leave me..." He mumbles.


He relaxes into me, his larger form curled against mine. It's kind of...cute. In a sense I guess.


He nods and hums slightly.

"I see you."


Wow, look, im not dead, I hope you had a party for nothing! I'm so sorry this is extremely late and extremely short. I was dealing with some eating issues, still recovering a bit, but I'm all good! No idea what I'm going to write about next, probably a really random one, I suppose. If you have any suggestions, I'm open.


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