I Hope You Burn on the Ceiling

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Word count: 442
Edited: X

Everything has been practically perfect since Leo came back. He's been teaming up with Annabeth to make some snazzy new technology that's safe for campers.

So far they've made game boys and other small hand held devices, but I know they're working on bigger things like gaming stations like Xbox and Playstation. I think they're almost done with the Wii but I'm not too sure at this point.

Every Wednesday Will and I hold up in my cabin, he likes it because there's less people and I like it because it isn't as bright as his cabin.

We take out some device and pull up Netflix. We usually watch horror movies, but Will decided we should alternate. I won't admit it to him, but sometimes his movie choices are good. Like Up, that was hilarious. He was balling.

Anyways, today is Wednesday.

Will and I were supposed to meet, yeah you heard me. Supposed to. Chiron has him running the infirmary today. Something about checking materials and capture the flag.

This means I get to start a new TV show.
Without him.

I know I know, sinister.



What can I say, child of Hades.

Anyways, because of my love for horror movies, I've decided on Supernatural.

knock sounds at my door, drawing me away from my precious Netflix.

"It's open!" I shout.

I turn back to the more important matter and resume episode 8, season 3.

"Hey, Nic- woah! OKAY. Who gave you permission to watch SPN without me? HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THIS FAR IN WHAT SEASON 3 ALREADY???? IN A DAY???"


It's Will

"I wasn't aware I needed permission to enjoy myself."

I pause the show once again and turn to look at him. The show is important, but will is slightly above it. Like 1/10 above it.

"And if you do the math, the average amount of time in one episode is 44 minutes, and there are 22 episodes in the first 2 seasons. And if you take season 3, well thats 16 but I'm only on 8, anyways. 24 divided by the sum of 44 and 8 is around 54 or so. I can fit 54 episodes into 24 hours."

I stare at him blankly as if it's obvious.

He only blinks.

"Your eyes are all red, hun..looks like you've been smoking."

"Shut up, you're the one with all the drugs anyways."


"Shut up, your mother burned on the ceiling, bitch."




Welp, today is spn day. This is short but I did math for it. Dedication.

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