
1.1K 49 15

Word count: 396
Edited: yeah but there's still probably errors so

"You can't deny it Nico! I saw you with my own 2 eyes," Will screamed.

"Oh yeah? Well you've done it too so you can't say shit Sunny Boy!" Nico yelled back.

Any person outside of the Hades cabin probably thought this was just another intense lovers quarrel, but it was much more serious than that.

"I apologized right after! I told you about it! Did you tell me? No! I had to find out for myself! You promised me this would never happen, Nico, damnit!" Will let out.

Nico knew Will was hurt, anybody would be if their loved one had done this to them.

"Will, I.... You've got to understand, I just wanted to experience what you all did... I didn't get the same pleasures. I was trapped. I just wanted to have something be normal about me for once. I didn't know.... I'm so sorry."

You could practically see the sincerity laced in every word, Nico was terribly contrite. It isn't as if anybody had ever introduced him to it or recommend one, he just went for something he knew about. He didn't expect all of this.

"I'm disappointed in you, Nico. Why didn't you come to me? I own every single one! We could have watched the Lion King!!! HAMLET WITH LIONS NICO. Not some trashy ass completely wrong story about Hercules with music and the first ever "what are those" joke and a gay sassy flamer father. Okay so maybe it's an okay movie, but it's completely wrong. And offensive," Will said like he was giving a presentation.

"Is my dad gay too??"

"That's all you got from that? Really?"

Y'all I am so sorry, this third 9 weeks is killing me. I've actually got 3 unfinished one shots sitting in my thing. I know this isn't long, if I ever have the time to update this they won't be long and I'm sorry. I plan on writing about a random thing that happen to me at the end of the day or a collection of events at the end of the week and hopefully that works out. I've been working on a school project for the last month, and my ap class is kicking my ass (rhymes aaaay)

Bye have a great day love you all!!

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