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Word count: 381

"Dean! I think I found something!" Sam called through the bunker, his own voice his responce. He waited a few seconds, then sighed. He would usually worry, but Dean had been going to so many bars lately. It didn't faze the poor moose anymore.

He continued his research. The Winchesters were currently hunting down a demon that supposedly held important information. Nothing they couldn't handle really. Well, nothing Sam couldn't handle.

A few hours into his research, the moose decided he needed a break. With numb legs and shaking arms, he stood and grabbed a beer, sat back down, and didn't touch anything. He was thinking.

Whilst Dean had been absent, Sam had been getting strange phone calls from an unknown number. At first He thought it was an old friend of his father, possibly Bobby. When he told Dean however, he just brushed it off.

He had tried to mention his brothers new behavior, calling, texting, hell, even emails. Nothing ever sent.

As the the giant was lost is his thoughts, his phone rang out, begging to be answered. He swiped it up quickly, " Hello?" His voice went through clearly, but the response did not."...Sam...Cage...Here...Out."

That's all he could pick out among the choppy wave of jumbled words." Who is this?"


All of sudden, the line went dead, leaving a very confused Sam. He attempted to call Dean, but as always, received voicemail.

Who kept calling?

This troubled the man damned with amazing hair. Whoever it was, they always sounded pained, and he wanted, no, needed. He needed to help.

Many times had he tried redial, but nothing happened. To say he was frustrated was an understatement. He was beyond that, way beyond that.

His phone decided to ring again, making him jump, much like the when his toast pops out of the toaster. He picked up immediately.

"Sam! Can you here me?"



"A...Adam..?" He stuttered quietly.

"Yes, I'm still in hell by the way, borrowing your WiFi."


Hey lovelies. Sorry this isn't Solangelo, I was going through old works on my computer and I found this! Heh....Casifer.......

Anways! Apologies for not Solangelo, you'll get some in a few days or so.


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