April Showers Bring May Flowers

953 41 14

Word count: 959
Edited: X

It was days like these that Nico lived for. No training, no games, no events, just him and some good ol' uninterup-


Scratch that thought.

"Go away, Will, Nico isn't here," he called out.
"What does that make you, a ghost?" Will countered.

With a groan Nico stood up from his comfy bed and cracked the door open, "As a matter of fact, yes. What do you want?"

"Can't I just enjoy a nice day with my boyfriend?" Will asked with a tight smile.


"Okay fine, you got me," he drew in a breath, "I want to go to Virginia to see an old friend and Chiron won't let me so I thought that because you love me you'd sneak out with me." He said rather quickly.

Nico moved his hand up to his face and pretended to stroke an invisible beard.

"How about....no," he shut the door.


Nico groaned and opened the door again, " Fine, but you owe me."

Will nodded quickly as the brunette dragged him inside the dimly lit room. They walked to the closet.

Will kissed Nico on the forehead.
"This means a lot to me"

Nico blushed a little at the sincerity in his boyfriends voice and travelled.

Will had never been too fond of this sort of thing. The squeezing and pulling of shadows made him feel like taffy, and the vague whispers he heard have him chills, but at this he needed to see May.
"Are you sure this is it? I mean it's rather.... not homely," Nico said, but it sounded like more of a question.

The blond only nodded and started heading down the street. The more the couple walked, the more I'm Nico started to recognize.
The large oaks, the abandoned houses, the crumbling sidewalks.
The house up ahead couldn't be mistaken for anything else.


It had to be.

Will kept on going, determined to reach the woman inside.

"Will wait, she's not what you expect! Stop!" Nico desperately clung onto Wills arm.

Will was about to rip his arm away when Nico let out a small plea.

"Just wait.."

The blind sighed and turned to face his boyfriend.
"Nico, I've known her for a while. I know all about her. She's getting worse, and I have to help. I can't leave her like this..."

Nico glanced between Will and the house before letting go, he held out a hand. Will gladly accepted.

They walked in together.

"Luke! You're ho-" her large smile suddenly fell,
" Right...my Luke is gone..."

Will smiles softly," I know how you must feel Ms. Castellan..."

He released Nico's hand and walked to her side to embrace her. She gladly accepted,

"What are you doing here? And who's this?"

Will smiled,
"This is my boyfriend, Nico."

Nico took a few steps forward and held out his hand, May took it gently.

"We've met before, once. I'm not sure if you remember or not..."

May studied him for a little, making Nico uncomfortable, before nodding.

"You seem familiar but I can't remember exactly, I'm sorry," her face held a sad smile.

"I came to bring you some more medicine," Will reached inside his pockets and pulled out three bottles, "I wasn't allowed to leave the camp."

Ms. Castellan took the bottles with a sigh of relief,
"It's been getting worse, sometimes twice an hour...I don't know how long I've get left."

The blond boy nodded sadly as he led May to the couch.

Nico looked around.

It was the same as it was last time, but no more food. The molding peanut butter and jelly sandwiches had been removed, and the burnt cookies were a thing of the past.
She may not have moved on from the loss of her son, but she had accepted it.
Nico didn't know what was worse.

She had known all along but she believed in her son's strength, that he could change it.
But you can't change fate.

Nico sighed as Will walked up to him.

"I'm sorry to bring you here, it was just really important. I may not have known Luke well but our mothers were friends...there's only one last thing I've got to do before I leave."

Will took a deep breath before muttering some words in Greek. Only a few came out clear, suffering, pain, and death.

May smiled at the boys before she took a single pill.

Her body relaxed on the couch as Will let out a sob.

"She had asked me to...to make it painless. But she really wanted to meet you. So..."

Nico held onto the taller boy, comforting him as he slowly crumbled.

"She was a good woman, she cared for her son...she loved him so much."

Nico led Will outside and sat by a garden. It seemed as though May had focused all her love into this garden. It was like a truck market.

Green vegetables, bright flowers.

The blond boy knelt down and gently plucked a few of the brightest flowers from the ground.
"We're gonna bury her"

Nico nodded

"Thank for this..."

Nico looked at the grave they had made right in the center of her garden. Nico made a note to hire a nymph to care for it.

The dirt was fresh and soft across the top, flowers and such surrounding the crown. Her tombstone was a simple thing, an old slab of wood marked with another flower.

"Let's go home"

Well this isn't happy I'm so sorry. It was gonna be but then I remembered everything that happened with her so yeah. Sorry y'all.
Btw my crush and I are just kinda hitting on each other nonstop. It's really fun.

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