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Word count: 875

It's been a few days since I last left my room. Nico isn't worried, and none of my siblings acknowledge me anymore. Not even Lou Ellen or Cecil. It's a strange feeling being alone. My thoughts are free to gambol across my mind, peeking into old, useless files of memories. Sometimes though, they find a bad one, something intended to stay locked up.

~boooo spooky flashback~

"Come on, Will!" Shouted one of my female classmates. Her name was Jess, I guess you could say she burned for attention. If my school had a popularity room, she'd be on the ceiling, and I the floor.

As of right now, she was currently trying to get me to kiss her.

"I said no, Jess!" I shout weakly and try and shove her away. You know you're weak when you're 3 feet taller than a girl and can't even move her a mere millimeter...

"Well I said yes!" She pouts and tries to kiss me. I quickly dodge and try to run. Why does she want to kiss me anyways? This is elementary school, we're supposed to learn things, not aquire relationships.

"Stop playing hard to get, Willy.."

I cringe at the name and shake my head.

"Ugh! You're so gay!" She shouts in frustration, but then quickly smirks and runs off.

A few minutes after our lunch was recess. This is my favourite time of the day, I can be alone.

"Everybody! Will likes boys! He's a freak!" I shrill voice shouts...Jess.

Everybody turned and stared at me in disgust.

"I am not a freak, whore!"

A chorus of gasp sound off as I run away crying.

~boooo spooky flash back over~

I didn't know it then, but she was right. I am a freak..God said Adam and Eve, not Steve. Though in Greek mythology people originally had 4 arms, 2 heads, and 4 legs. Fearing their strength Zeus split them in half. So realistically speaking I'm not a freak.

But if Greek mythology is real, who's to say other things aren't real..?

I just don't know anymore..I can't stand to think like this anymore. I want these thoughts to go away!

I am not a freak

I am not a freak

I am not a freak

There are people who care about me, surely there must be. As many people that are in this camp, and as many people as I have helped...surely somebody must care..

Not Nico.

Not Lou.

Not Cecil.

Not my siblings.

Not my patients.

What about my father? He's got to care at least a little bit. I am his son..he should care a little bit..

As my mind mind starts to ponder my father's affection, a few of my siblings walk in. Smiles present on their tan faces, gleeful comments whispering between them.

That is what I longed for. They start to walk towards me, and for a split second, I thought they would take me with them. I thought they would help raise me from my low. But no.

They walked right passed me, still smiling.

Was I not here?

Was I nothing to them?

I am nothing to everybody.

I sat there, lying in my bed. They walked right past they not see my tears? Do they not see me rotting from the inside out?

~boooo spooky flashback again~

I wake up with a smile already present. Today is my fifth birthday. One year closer to being a big boy!

I quickly spring from my warm solitude and run to my closet. I pick out the first shirt I see and slip on a pair of tan shorts.

Not caring if I match, I race down the stairs for my birthday breakfast. It's traditional to have a special breakfast made for us by momma. She's the bestest cook ever!

When I get down there I stop in my tracks. Where was everybody? Momma isn't in here, and neither is Papa...? Where did they go?

"Momma?" I call through the kitchen. Nothing. There is no answer.

"Papa!" I shout out. I was closer to Momma than Papa but I know he loves her too. I wait for a good few minutes, but nothing.

Where has my family gone..?

I swiftly run to the front widow and press my little face against the cool glass. There's no cars in the driveway. They aren't here.

Did they forget about my birthday? Surely they haven't!

"MOMMA!!" I shout out, my breath fogging against the glass.

Is it true...? Did they leave and forget..? Not even my baby sister Veronica.

~boooo spooky flashback over again~

By the time I'm pulled back from my thoughts, the moon had long vanished from the dark sky.

Nobody had come.


I guess I'm just invisible.


So, heh, I'm so so sorry I'm lazy. And I'm sorry that this is my christmas one shot whoops. I'll probably do a part two called seen or I see you. Let me know if you want that. Sorry if this made you sad, I'm not very happy these days I guess.

Sorry this is really short and crappy


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