An Eye for An Eye, A Wallet For A Date

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Word count: 642

There he is.

That little piece of golden schist...

Sitting over there on that stupid bench like he owns the place.

With the amount of money he has I doubt he doesn't.

I quickly tuck my new wallet in the side of my shoe before exiting the bus.

There's no way that little thief can find it there.

I walk down the crowded street, keeping my head down. My hair blocks my face, but I'm guessing it doesn't matter anyway...

I glare at him from behind my wall.

He stands up with a cocky smirk and stumbles through the morning work rush crowd.

As he slowly makes his way to me, the back of the crowd, I notice the accumulating watches on his wrist and his growing pockets.

I make sure to stay apart of the crowd in hopes of being targeted.

Apparently hoping does something.

He bumps into me, a lot harder than I expected.

I tumble down to the ground but make sure to draw him down as well.

I'm definitely not going to be the only one that gets hurt here.

"Well that was eventful," He laughs, showing off his stupid perfect teeth.

"Oh yeah, completely," I stand up and brush myself off.

He looks up, prepared to make a comment, and finally sees who I am.

"Oh...I'll just be leaving, heh.."

He gets up, ready to run, but I grab the back of his shirt and stop him.

"I don't think you will," I smirk back.


"Why are we here again?" The blond questions.

I simply shake my head and look around the small greek cafe we're in.

The wall to my right was completely covered in mirrors, while the one the left was all window. The establishment had a nice bar area in the center with booths to the left and tables to the right. All in all it was pretty spacious and inviting.

"Because you stole my wallet. So you're going to pay for my lunch."

He only shrugs, "That seems pretty fair. The name's Will."

He smiles again and holds out a hand.

"Nico," I state bluntly, holding out the hand without the watch.

And then we started talking.
About anything and everything.
He even told me why he started picking, but I was too busy eating. Something to do with a ferret or whatever.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours.

"No way that happened," He gasped in disbelief.

I only nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, so she comes home with a needle in her arm, panting and sweating, exclaims she's totally going to jail, and then passes out on the coffee table."

Will let's out a deep, genuine laugh and I can't help laugh with him.

"Dude that's amazing."

I nod silently as he checks one of his many watches.

"Shit... I really need to go... Mind if I steal something from you real quick?" He looks at me with a small smirk.

"Uhhh...yeah, I kinda do?"

"What if it's your number?" He questions.

"N- what?"

He hands my a pen and a slip of paper.

I fumble the tool slightly before writing out the number.

"Cool, so this has been really great, I'll call you!" He shouts as he exits the cafe.

I blink a few times processing what had just happened.

"Fuck he didn't pay the bill"


Welp look who's alive. It's me.
Sorry this is extremely short, I didn't know how to do it..

I figured about 2 months was long enough and decided to finish it.

Just kidding!

Kind of.

I've been extremely busy...

Oh well, I updated that's all that matters!

Have a great day!


As I was editing all I could think of was Lance...
"The name's Will"
I can see the smirk and everything

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