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Yeah so I'm just kinda going through and deleting unnecessary authors notes. I think I'm going to start editing soon, but don't worry I have no intention of ending this train wreck.

I really hope this is working for you guys (please let me know if it's not so I can try and come up with something ). I know the chapters are so much shorter but they're coming out faster? Lately I've been in Voltron hell, too many ships and a crazy fandom. It's been a hell of a ride between Solangelo and that.

This is where I talk about my life so if you want you can stop reading here

I'm sure it's obvious that the last few chapters have been coming from real events in my life. My crush and I are good, he's less of a crush and more of a best friend now actually. Sometimes I still have to remind myself that we're only friends and I'm okay with that now. He's a little broken, but he's trying to let me help and that's all I need.

I took my final on Friday, it went rather well, until the free response questions that is. I blanked on the first one and made it look like I ran out of time (really bad don't do that ever), nailed the second one, and then some how managed to bullshit my way to correctness on the last one?
After exams it was comicon on Saturday, in the same building..
I got all 5 Voltron pins, the lovely people I purchased them from let me take their last Lance (the example one) and I FUCKING LOST HIM. At least I didn't lose Shiro, talk about coincidences.
To follow that up was a boat ride on Mothers Day. It was great until they made me do karaoke, but I came out with a little something. The dj they had, he does all of my mother's work stuff when they need music, plans on signing me when I turn 18. It kinda feels like a movie? Like a few days ago my best friend heard me actually sing for the first time and freaked, and then my childhood friend's dad told me not give up on singing, and then that.
It's wild y'all.

Aside from that, I've got my last concert of the year this Thursday, and then testing that starts next Monday.

I wish you all luck on your tests and exams, and I hope your skin is clear too!

Thanks for making this possible!


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