Delirious' Bet *Jon* XXX

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"Y/N!" Evan yelled through his microphone.
"Where the fuck did she go?" Wildcat exclaimed.
The girl sat in her chair, laughing at the show before her. The two nitwits were running around the room destroying everything except for her in prop hunt.
"You guys are so stupid!" Delirious laughs out,
"She is right under your noses!"
The girl's little fish prop ran out the door. Earning a maniacal laugh from Del.
1:00 on the clock.
"I'm in the hall, swimming my way outside." She laughed out.
Evan ran out of the room to the hallway, shooting his grenade and...... Missing. Killing him.
"She's a fish! She's a fish!" He yelled to Tyler.
Her fish prop was "swimming" around outside.
16... 15... 14...
"Tyler come swing with me!" She yelled.
His hunter ran to the swingset.
4... 3... 2...
Round over, Tyler won.
"God, damnit Tyler! You wouldn't have won that if I wouldn't had told you where I was!" She yelled.
"Well, Y/N, maybe don't tell me next time and you'll win for once!" Tyler chuckled out.


*Time Skip to Props*

"Y/N check our chat." Delirious said.
She looked to the little chat bar.
Bet time... Whoever lasts longer gets to do whatever they want to the other. Deal?
She giggled, thinking of the stupid things she could get him to do.
Alright, but no take backs once the winner is decided. She said.
Deal, I'm going to DOMINATE you. He replied.
With that, the game began. Delirious ran off to the basement of the large house map. While Y/N went to the upstairs hallway. She found a small teddy bear in a children's room, changing quickly before grabbing it and running out. She threw the teddy bear under the bed before taking it's place. Seconds after Tyler walked in.
"Awe! Widdle teddy-weddy bear. Delirious is this you?!" He yelled.
A laugh escaped Delirious' mouth,
"For once, no! I'm outside.." he said with a sneaky voice.
Tyler ran out of the room, causing Y/N to laugh her head off.
"What? What's so funny?!" Evan yelled.
"I just watched someone pass me multiple times before giving up and running off." She giggled out.
"What!?" He yelled in reply.


"Give us a hint!" Tyler yelled out, as he destroyed flower pots outside.
"I'm in the first room you checked." The girl said.
"How the f- ohhhh...."
Tyler's Hunter ran up the stairs.
"Teddy bear!" He yelled.
She ran off passed him, down the stairs.
48... 47... 46...
"No! Tyler stop!" She screamed as her health hit zero.
"No!! Fuck you Tyler!"
"It's all in the game, sweet cheeks."
"Tyler, stop flirting and help me find Delirious!" Evan yelled.
"He's on the roof." Y/N said.
"What the hell?!" He yelled as he ran and jumped off of the house as a brick."
12... 11... 10...
The brick ran around the two hunters, draining the time.
*Props win!* came up on the screen.
Looks like I won... ;) Delirious said to her in the chat.
Shut up... She said back.
Come over in an hour.


*Delirious' POV*

I checked the time, 7:16. She will be here soon.. hopefully. I want to tell her what has been going on. What is going on in my mind.
It's her. She's in my mind. She is all I want. Her voice lulls me, pulling me in. Her body sends me into a trance. God, that girl. Most of all is her lips.. the way they curl into her sweet smile. How her lower lip gets pulled in to a bite when she's thinking. The deep pink color that they are. How much I want to kiss them. Not just them.. Her cheeks, her jaw, her neck...
I was brought out of my thoughts when a knock rang out. Getting up from the couch I double checked my hair and clothes. Straightening up a bit. My blue shorts hung loosely on my hips, while a white tee shirt covered my upper half. Opening the door I was greeted by her gorgeous eyes, the sparkled a bit whenever she saw her friends. Her lips were curled into that smile that was like venom. She wore a white tank top that showed off her shoulders and chest. Along with a pair of black and grey running shorts, with her hair tied up into a pony tail.
"Hey, Jon." She greeted sweetly.
"Hey, come in." I gestured to her as I moved out of her way.
"So what's the deal? What do I have to do?"
"You have to listen to me." I stated.
She turned to me with a confused look. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the living room.
"What is it, Jon?" She asked me.
"Do you know?"
"Know what?"
"What it's like to dream about someone every night? To wish they were lying beside you in bed? To wake up with them not there and have your heart break? To hear them laugh and see their smile, but know it wasn't for you? To love someone so much... That you'd give your life for them?"
I didn't turn around to see her expression. I was terrified at this point.
"Jon.." She said softly.
I felt her hand touch my shoulder, making me turn to her. She had a small smile on her face.
"I don't know what that's like.. but I do know what it's like to wish you could tell someone how much you care for them.."
Her smile disappeared after her words, her head turned down as she stared at the floor.
"I know what it's like to wish that person knew."
"Y/N it's you. I wish I had you. I wish you were mine, forever and always."
Her head snapped back up.
"Are you serious?" She asked,
"Cause if this is a j-"
I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. Wrapping my arm around her waist I pulled her closer to me. She put her hands on my chest and pushed me backwards slightly.
"Jon-" she whispered.
"Don't.. not now."
I pulled her back in again, this time with more want.

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