Noise *Brian* XXX

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To anyone who is going to comment about how Brian has an accent and can't pronounce "th" sounds... I write grammatically, not perfectly, but I do. I cringe when I try to write any other way. He has an Irish accent, we all know how he talks, you'll be okay.

-Your POV-

The atrociously loud yelling from the neighbors has continued for two hours now; and, I have no clue what they are even arguing about. I stomped to the window nearest to their house, throwing it open.

"How the hell do you even have enough breath to fight for this fucking long?" I exclaimed.

The voices stopped. Thank God. I closed the window and began to climb the stairs to my bedroom. I stripped out of my work clothes and put on a large sweatshirt. Where did I get this? I don't own anything this big.. I shook the thoughts out of my head and climbed in bed.

A loud bang from downstairs jolted me awake. I sat up in bed, thinking I was imagining it, until there were three more. Looking at my bedside clock I saw that it was nearly ten at night. I slowly got out of bed, grabbing a switch knife from the bedside table before going downstairs. Another two loud bangs came from the front door. I clutched onto the knife before cracking the door open. In front of me stood a tall man.

"Good evening, Ma'am." 

His voice had a thick accent to it, Irish maybe? 

"Can I help you...?" I softly murmured.

"I just got a noise complain from the fellows next door." He stated.

My eyes widened. I threw the door open and stepped onto the porch. My knife wielding arm high in the air, waving it about.

"Fuck you guys! You've been having a screaming match for three hours and-"

My temper tantrum was put on hold by the officer dragging me back into my house and closing the door.

"Ma'am, you can't be shouting at your neighbors like that while waving a knife around." He warned.

"And you can't come in without my consent now, can you?" My eyebrow rose as I spoke.

The sass in my tone was so apparent that even a baby would recognize it. I stared at the officer in front of me. He was above average in height, at least six foot. His blue eyes stared back at me. His brown hair was pushed back and under his cap. The jawline on this man could cut someone. Looking him up and down I noticed he was in rather good shape. But then again, it wouldn't make sense to have a cop who wasn't, now would it?

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, a slight smirk forming on his face.

"N-no, nothing." I stuttered, looking down at my feet. 

He stepped closer, I stepped back. He stepped closer again, this time placing a hand on my shoulder. He opened his mouth to say something before pulling his hand away and changing his mind. He tipped his hat and went to the door. I followed closely behind, giving him a quiet goodbye, and closing the door. Turning my back from the door, I leant on it, thinking about the officer.

I didn't catch his name... I thought.

He was a rather attractive man, to say the least. I shook my head vigorously before beginning the trek back to my bedroom. When I was at the bottom of the stairs, a soft noise stopped me in my tracks. It was a knock coming from the door. I practically ran to the door and threw it open. The officer stood there still. This time his hat was in his hands. 

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