Fighter *Ryan*

753 21 4

-Third Person POV-

Y/N sprinted a lap around the gym. Jogged another, sprinted again, jogged. Over and over. Anger and stress was getting the best of her at the moment. She had hit a road block in her creative life. Unsure of what to make next. As a YouTuber her life depended on her videos. But she'd hit this block a few weeks ago, and she couldn't make her way around it.  She finished her laps, snagging her water bottle off of one of the benches that was along the wall with her bag. She pulled her pre-wrap and tape out. Y/N wrapped pre-wrap around her knuckles and slightly down her wrist before taping across her knuckles. After shoving the tape and pre-wrap back in her bag she went across the gym to the bags. There were six hanging bags, a tall man with brown hair was at one of them. Another shorter, black haired man was at another. Y/N went to the one in the back corner. She walked around the bag first, looking for any signs of splitting in the outer layer of fabric. It seemed to be pretty good. Her body was still loose from running and her workout so she skipped the stretching. 

Y/N was trying to work her frustration out on the bag. Like the fact that she was still getting over some anger from her ex-boyfriend, Nate. He up and left without an explanation three or four months ago now. Left a note on the bed, no explanation, nothing. Just took all of his stuff and left.

Y/N, there isn't much for me to say...

Left hit. Right hit. Left. Left. Right right. Right high kick. 

I can't explain this now. It's gone on for too long.

Right hit. Right hit. Left kick. Right hit, left hook.

You'll get over me soon enough, or maybe you already are.

Left. Right. Left. Right, right hook. 

So this is goodbye.

Right hit. Y/N noticed the red hue that was on the black bag. She looked down to her hands and saw that her tape job had split on three of her knuckles. Her right hand had it worse, but both were bleeding now.

"God damnit!" She exclaimed. 

She struck the bag again, and again, and again... She continued hitting the bag. A frenzy overcoming her as she struck it with continuous hits. The final blow she landed sent a stinging pain through her hand. Looking at her hands again she saw the tape was merely hanging off of her hands now.

"So much for that.." 

"Are you okay?" A voice inquired.

Y/N looked up to see the tall brown haired man that was using one of the other bags. He was quite good looking. Actually, he was drop dead gorgeous.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied.

"Well your hands look pretty gnarly. Come here." He said this, motioning over to one of the offices. 

His voice sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. She silently followed after him, pulling the tape remains off of her skin. She walked through the doorway of the office. Looking around she saw a desk with a MacBook placed on top of it. There were a few cupboards with a sink and microwave. The tall brown haired man opened up one of the cupboards that was  about head height. There was some sort of table that had cushioning on top of it. The kind you'd see in a masseuse's office. The man pulled out a few things from the cupboard before turning back to the girl. 

"Let me see your hands." He ordered. 

Y/N lifted her hands up to show him the damage. 

"You're going to have some bruising for sure, and this skin will need a week or two to heal back to what it was. I'd advise you not to use the bag until it is healed."

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