Scream *Smii7y* XXX

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REQUESTED BY: bananaminion666

Warning now, this is a much longer chapter than the usual. Our beautiful banana minion laid out a setting that had a lot in it. So for those of you who want to request anything, the more you give me, the longer it will be (Usually). 

-Your POV-

For the love of God what am I going to do?  I thought, letting out a heavy sigh. 

I kept staring at the bright screen of my phone. There were more killings. More of those horrible, graphic messages were on the news. For the past few months now there has been a murderer running lose around my town. I recently just moved to a new town that was close to a university. Some poor students had been killed in such a gruesome way.. I shook my head sternly, attempting to clear my mind of that picture. I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong. Horribly wrong. Each new killing was closing in closer and closer to my area. The first was five miles out. The next was four, then three, two, one, and this one was a half of a mile down the road. Each killing was of someone around the same age as I was, give or take a year or two. 

I know I'm being crazy about this, but I just can't shake this feeling. 

I dial Craig's number. I need to talk to someone about this.

"Hello?" A deep voice groaned.

"Craig there was another one." I exclaimed.

"Y/N it's two in the morning.." 


"W-What?" He stuttered.

"Another girl. She had H/C the same length as mine, same color eyes, same height and everything. Craig, this is freaking me out. Each one of these girls has more and more of the same characteristics as I do."

"Y/N, you'll be fine. If anything does happen, I'm right down the road. Just call me and I'll come running, okay?" He hummed. 

I looked at the kitchen knife I had placed behind a photo of the rest of the crew and I. The picture made me smile, but the knife just kept me on edge. I had it there for a reason, and not one that I ever thought would be real. 

Craig and I continued to talk for a while. He could tell that I was still freaked out about the whole thing. He made fun of me for a while, telling me how I was such a baby; and, that I should learn how to fight, giving that I live alone. 

Laying in bed, nearly asleep, I hear my front door slam. I shot straight up in bed, instantly grabbing the knife on my nightstand.

"Craig.." I whispered, "Someone's in my house." 

"Y/N don't fuck with me." He laughed.

Another slam from downstairs. 

"Craig I'm not fucking with you! Someone is in my house. My door was locked by 7.." I paused for a moment, listening for any other signs that someone was here. 

I could hear footfalls on the wooden stairs. I quickly tiptoed over to my bedroom door and locked it. Keeping the knife in my hand I hid in my closet. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" I hear Craig yell over the phone.

"Shh! Be quiet, call 911 if my phone cuts out." I whispered.

The knob started to shake from whoever was on the other side. I peeked between two of my jackets. I was sitting on the floor behind the bottom rack where my jackets and sweaters were hung. Another bang was heard, this time from my bedroom door being flung open. My breath hitched in my throat, eyes burning and stomach churning. 

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