Hello *Tyler*

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*Third Person POV*

"Y/N?" A soft voice called.

The girl lifted her head from the pillow beneath her to see Tyler in the doorway. His face was paler than usual. She rolled to her side, facing away from him. He came and sat on his side of the bed, his hands fidgeting with the loose sheets.

"Y/N, I'm sorry."

She sat in silence, tears were coming down her face. Each one slowly dripped off her skin and onto the pillow. Tyler began to speak again, but he spoke to no one. Y/N lay there, holding back everything she wanted to say. Everything she wanted to scream into his face, to the world, to the heavens. The sound of his voice made the tears come faster. Each syllable twisted her heart more than the last. 

"It's okay, Tyler." She said.

"What do you-" He began.

"You don't have to love me." 

"Y/N, no that's not-"

"I know this already. I'm just not the girl that boys fall in love with."

"Y/N of course you are." 

"Don't lie to me. Not again."

"I'm not lying."

"Then tell me how you could turn around on me like you did?"

Tyler was silent. This was all that Y/N needed now. She stood up from the bed and went down the hall. Everything she owned was already at her parent's house. She had sat in that room for hours, wondering if he would come back. Hoping he would and everything would be alright again. That he would get on his hands and knees and beg her to stay. But, that wasn't happening. Y/N didn't live in a fairy-tale where everything she wanted magically worked out. No, this was the world where everything she wanted was torn down and thrown to the wind. 

Y/N continued towards the door. She swung it open to feel the chill of the night air on her face. Tyler grabbed her wrist and turned her back to him. His blue eyes were sad. Which wasn't what Y/N had expected. 

"I never stood a chance with you did I?" He said.

A small smile came to her lips for a moment.

"The sad part is.. is that you did. You had. Yet, you threw it away." Her voice cracked slightly before she continued, "I was always your backup plan. I was never your first choice. And I realize that now."

Tyler stood before her, mouth agape.

"Y/N that's not at all what you are to me."

"Stop lying!" She shouted. 

"I'M NOT!" He shouted back, "I never meant to break your heart..."

Y/N turned around again, she pulled her wrist from his grasp. 

"You can't break something that was already broken."

Hello everyone. -M

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