This Shouldn't Have Happened *Jon*

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-Your POV-

I sat in a barn I had never seen before. My ankles were strapped to the legs of a chair, and my hands were tied behind my back. All around me was dust and straw from hay bales. While staring at the wooden wall in front of me, I heard a door open. The door was behind me. It moved with a low grumble and soft squeak. I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder and I shuddered away. The gag in my mouth caught any words I was trying to speak. A large male figure walks around the chair I was bound to and looks directly into my eyes. A white hockey mask kept me from seeing his face. I assumed this was my abductor, and with my inability to move, I couldn't do much but look at him. The tall man knelt down in front of me and began to untie my ankles. The tight rope binding gave way after a few seconds, and then the next. He walked a few feet away to a stray bale and sat with a thud. His eyes continued to watch me, seeming as if he had been through this many times before. The blue eyes behind the mask seemed dull, lacking life, or a soul. I kept my eyes on the man, cautious of what he would do next; however, he did not seem to be the one who would cause trouble in this situation.

I looked to my feet. The ropes that used to wrap around my ankles were now in a pile on the floor between them. I noticed a small door roughly eight or nine feet above the ground. It was not locked, but looked to be as if it could only open from the other side. There were two upper floors in the barn, one to either side of the center where I was tied up. The one to the right of me had a lining of hay bales, but I could see some farm tools hanging on the wall. The other, to my left, also had hay bales; although, this side had a small room blocked off halfway down the platform. No windows, one door, just large enough for someone to sleep in.

My eyes snapped back to the man in the hockey mask as he shuffled in front of me. He seemed to have fallen asleep in the time that I spent studying the area. His back leant against a hay bale, arms crossed and head tilted forward. His breathing was slow and heavy. Quickly realizing this would be the best chance I would have at escaping, I began to shift in my seat while attempting to free my hands from the bindings. Lucky for me, the knot wasn't tied tight enough to keep both hands firmly bound. After some maneuvering and slight rope burn, my hands were free. I quickly moved to the door, but found that it was padlocked. Turning back around I looked for another way out. There were stairs on either side of the building, both leading upstairs. I quietly went towards the stairs on the left and ascended them to the second floor. The building creaked the more that I moved around within it.

Upon reaching the second floor, I noticed that there was a table with two chairs, an icebox style freezer, and the door to the small room. Not much else was around. I went to the door and slowly opened it, in front of me was a bed, nightstand, lamp and dresser. The man must live here. A hand clamped onto my shoulder, spinning my around. My face was met with a hockey mask inches away from my own face. Terror ran through me, thinking of all of the different punishments I could receive for escaping. But, looking into his eyes, he showed no anger. There was nothing there actually. They looked completely dull. Almost as if he did not care what was to come of the situation. His hand was still placed firmly on my shoulder. He noticed my eyes flicking from his face to his hand for a moment, seeming to make him realize where his hand was. He slowly released my shoulder and brushed past me into the makeshift bedroom.

"You're going to be here for a while, so you might as well make yourself at home." He murmured.

I looked at him as he sat on the edge of the bed with a soft thud. He began to take his heavy boots off, unlacing them before throwing them to the corner. I backed away slowly before looking for another potential exit.

Hello everyone. It's been a little over two years since I actually updated this. I've attempted to come back to this multiple times. I've debated deleting this whole thing. I've thought about it and have decided that I won't be deleting it, and I won't officially be back. But I have time, now. So we will see.

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